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B4 U Close Home Inspections&Radon Testing ( - Lexington, KY
The Central Kentucky Home Inspector, Lexington KY
Interesting reading. Thanks for sharing it with AR.
I think this method of presentation is much slicker with it broken down like you have it, but, did you know that the way you're doing it, if you go back to the blog where you posted the September report and click on that link it brings up the January 2008 report.
You might want to consider printing each report to PDF, uploading it to your website and then providing a link to that report. Otherwise your history is gone.
You do have your own website instead of one of the Rector Hayden cookie cutter's, don't you?
In any case, I appreciate you sharing this with the community.
You might want to consider posting this to the website.
Jan 24, 2008 12:40 PM