
Kauai Real Estate Market Experiencing a Major Shift

Real Estate Agent with Inactive INACTIVE HI Lic# RB-20941


The Kauai real estate market is undergoing a major shift with many instances of multiple buyers competing for the same property.  This has become frequent on Kauai's East Side where the residential absorption rate is now well below 6 months. Kauai central region (Lihue) condos are also just about at the 6-month point in a hot market.  Charts from late May and also back in 2009 are included for comparison.




Current Kauai Real Estate Absorption Rate Chart


Just 2 1/2 Months Ago

Kauai Real Estate Absorption Rate Chart

Back in 2009

Historical Kauai Real Estate Absorption Rate Chart


Now (2012)



Buyers should not delay any further, the time to strike is passing you by!




Richard Dolbeare


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Richard T. Dolbeare, R(B) photo

Richard Dolbeare, R(B), HI LIc. # RB-20941
Hawaii multi-island specialist for Maui & Kauai with eXp Realty
Property owner on both Maui & Kauai
(808) 651-4550 |

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eXp Realty is a nationwide cloud-based brokerage licensed in Hawaii as follows:

eXp Realty, Lic. # RB-21841, 500 Ala Moana Blvd., #7-400, Honolulu, HI 96813
