
New Construction in Chicago and Illinois!

Real Estate Agent with @Properties Northshoe

If you or anyone you know is interested in New Construction, there is a lot going on in the city of Chicago

and who knows the Olympics may end up one day in Chicago!!!!

But there are the most wonderful new constructions allover Northern Illinois, but especially in certain suburbs.

The NorthShore will provide just about any kind of new construction, small lot, lots of house for the money,

Regal home on a large lot and so much more....

If you are interested in a new construction in the 1 - 5 million dollar range, give me a call and let me know what your needs are, so that I can explore all areas of Northern Illinois on your behalf.

Barrington Hills has 5 acre lots, and 1/2 and 1 + acre lots can be found in a variety of other areas of Northern Illinois, just let me know what towns or areas you want to consider and I will provide you with all available properties. Long Grove, Bannockburn, Riverwoods, Highland Park, Glencoe, Winnetka and many others will have large properties, interesting architecture, lots of land or great views.

It just depends of what you are looking for....

Call or e-mail me and I will do the research and leg work (i.e. I will actually preview the properties based on your requirements!) and I will only make appointments once you decide that the property may be right for you.

Cell phone 847-609-3949  or e-mail me to or to

Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Regards!

Edith Karoline Jasser - YourRealtor4Life - Working always in the very BEST interest of her clients!