If you are interested in the purchase of a home in Lake County (any town in Lake County) contact me either by phone cell 847 609-3949 (always leave a detailed message and repeat your name and call back number) I will get back to you asap, or e-mail me to edithdoesitright@yahoo.com or edith@TheRealEstateExpert.com and you will hear back from me the very same day!
Customer Satisfaction, attention to every detail from day 1 to the closing and thereafter is my business philosophy, I am here to serve my clients in the most successful and effective way possible. I am always reachable either phone or e-mail.
I prepare 1/2 day and full day home viewing tours - not only for relocating, out of town or state clients, but any client of mine in any price range. Just give me a 5 day advance notice when you are available for a 1/2 or full day touring. I will need that time to either preview some of the properies, or just simply arrang the tour in the most time saving manner and get all the final confirmations of appointments and then confirm them with you.
I usually also bring back up information about properties and surrounding sold properties to the showings, I accompany all of them and I am present at all events throughout the entire buying process. Previews, a second visit, inspections, walk thrus and I am always present at all closings.
I always continue serving my clients after the purchase by proding help, when needed to maintain and take care of their new property, and providing them from time to time with market update, for their own property and surrounding properties in their immediate neighborhood.
You will be in very good hands with me... and if Lake County is not the area you want to be in. I also cover most of Cook County and the city of Chicago as well.
Contact me and you will be in very good Hands!
Expect the very BEST and be pleasantly surprised, I want the HouseHunting time be a very pleasant and enjoyable experience for all my clients!
Warmest Regards!
Edith Karoline Jasser ABR YourRealtor4Life - Working always in the very BEST interest of her clients!