
First Time Home Buyers in Illinois

Real Estate Agent with @Properties Northshoe

If you are a first time homebuyer, you will need more assistance and you need to rely on your trusted Real Estate Agent. Your Realtor, your Buyers Agent in Illinois, will represent just YOU the buyer. Your Buyer's Agent will not work for anyone else, and your Buyer's Agent's interest is your needs and your interests only! So you can be confident that you will be guided to buy the right home, for the right price, in an area that fits your needs.

Trust your Realtor - ask questions!

I want my first time homebuyers to be educated well so that when they decide to make an offer on a property they are convinced that this property is the very best one for them at the time of purchase.

When making an offer the expertise, negotiation and communication skills and experience of your Realtor will help you get your home under the very best terms for YOU.

So if you are considering to buy your very first property in Illinois, give me a call or e-mail me your needs, size of home, style if you know, locations (give me as many as you like me to explore for you), garage size and style, lot size if large is important to you, and the app. price range. We will start from there and discuss everything else as we go along. I promise you that you will be making an educated decision, when  you are ready to make an offer.

My cell phone number is 847 609-3949 my e-mail address is

Hope to hear soon from you!

Warmest Regards!

Edith Karoline Jasser ABR YourRealto4Life  - Working always in the very BEST interest of her clients!

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Debra Kukulski, Broker Associate
RE/MAX Suburban - Cary, IL
SRES;SFR,CDPE;GRI;ABR;e-PRO Realtor, Northern IL
Hi are you?  Long time-no talk!  I hope all is going well for you-great to see you on activerain.  I also love working with first-time buyers and they definitely benefit SO much fromt he guidance and experience of a great Buyer's Agent!
Mar 23, 2008 02:47 AM