
Back to school in Palm Desert

Real Estate Agent with Fathom Realty 01492141

The temperatures may still be hot, but it is time to think about going back to school in Palm Desert. The winter sports teams at Palm Desert High school have already gone through hell week and are preparing for another dynamic season. The teachers at all of the Palm Desert schools  are busy preparing the classrooms and class schedules are being finalized.  Hard to believe with 100+ temps, but summer is almost over for Palm Desert students.

Washington Charter School starts : Aug 27th.  Washington Charter has a reputation that draws people all over the valley for school.  The waiting list speaks for itself.

Palm Desert Charter Middle School starts: Aug 27th @ 8:10 am.  Palm Desert Charter Middle School is number 1 in the valley for academic test scores.

Palm Desert High School starts: August 27th.  First period begins @ 7:45 am.  Palm Desert High school also is known for their academics and received an honor of one of US News best high schools in 2012.

 To find out ore about any of these amazing schools or any others in the Palm Desert school district you can go to the disctrict site.

Kathy Schowe
California Lifestyle Realty - La Quinta, CA
La Quinta, California 760-333-8886

School days are almost here!  Keep your eyes out for the little ones and watch for traffic around schools!  K

Aug 26, 2012 02:05 PM