
Honey I fixed the roof..

Home Inspector with Home Inspections of Puget Sound
When we inspect a home, the first thing we do is ask if the sellers have disclosed any known issues. It is amazing what we will find and sellers don't disclose!

During a walk around the property we pay special attention to the exterior for signs of water damage. On this inspection Suzanne noted the water damaged soffit. From the ground, we were fairly confident we had bad roof leak. This was leaking for such a long time the wood was cracking across the grain caused by a fungus. That means it wasn't leaking a week, or a month, but likely leaking at least a year or more. If you look closely you can see damage consistent with a wood pecker. Bet that wet wood has insects the birds are going after.

I was pretty sure we would find damage on the roof above this soffit and we did!

Not minor damage, but terrible repairs missing tabs and at least 30 nails exposed. This was one of the worst roof "repairs" I have ever seen. The leaks have likely been going on for years. The room under this leak was the master bedroom, and it looked great with nice fresh paint.
My tip for the day, always go with professional roof repairs and a quality home inspector!


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Ralph Janisch ABR CRS Broker
Janisch & Co. - Conroe, TX
Selling Northwest Houston to good people like you!

Good advice to go with a pro.  Most homeowners are NOT capable of making repairs.  Of course all the home shows today tell them that  they can do it themselves.  Bad idea unless you have done that type of work before.

Aug 18, 2012 04:25 AM