
How are you keeping your overhead under control?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Broker Dynamix

For those us us that are still growing a business in these challenging times, we must get resourceful.  One of the ways We've kept expenses down is by buying used office furniture. We've found the cost for everything from file cabinets to desks and even cubicles to be around 30% less than the cost of new.  While it doesn't have that new office furniture smell it is in great shape and a wonderful bargain.  Here is a great resource: in the Chicagoland area:

What tricks and tips do you have for keeping your overhead under control while still growing your business?

Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

My office furniture is 10 years old from the Salvation Army and was REupholstered and still looks GREAT....I'm gassing up where it is cheap and planning my trips and showings better....

Aug 24, 2012 02:05 AM
Thom Disch
Broker Dynamix - Libertyville, IL
Our Broker Dynamix System generates quality leads

Wallace, That's great and a wonderful way to keep things affordable. 

Aug 24, 2012 06:33 AM