
Seven Must Do’s if you want to Capture that Lead

Reblogger Torgie Madison
Services for Real Estate Pros with Quicksilver Real Estate Solutions, LLC

Jeanna Martinez shares her key points to converting leads to clients. Our web based lead management system (complete with lead generating website) will help you to follow her tips and more! Check it out here.

Original content by Jeanna Martinez



Seven Must Do’s if you want to Capture that Lead


If you are in the real estate business then you are in the lead generating business, at least if you want to be successful you are.  Whether we like it or not we must be good at generating, following up on and most important CATCHING leads. 


It’s not enough to just get your name out there; you have to have a good system in place to follow up on phone calls, emails, Facebook messages, tweets, and even the ever elusive walk in lead. If you don’t have good follow up you will find lots of these potential clients leaving as fast as they came.


I have a few rules I try to follow when I get a lead, it may not be a perfect system but it’s been pretty good to me.  So here goes…


1.       If they give you a phone number CALL IT right away! (or ASAP, whichever comes first)


2.    If they give you an email send an email in addition to calling.  Make sure you OFFER them something in the email (additional information on properties they might be interested in, showing appointments, CMAs, etc.)


3.    If they inquired about a specific property send them additional information about that property as well as similar properties that are also for sale.


4.    Set them up on a drip campaign, just make sure it provides them with helpful information, is sent AT MOST once a month and isn’t obnoxiously sale-sy.


5.    When you talk to them make sure they have been pre-qualified, if they haven’t, offer to get them in touch with a lender.


6.     If the lead is via Facebook or Twitter respond via the same medium but make sure you include your phone number and email in the response along with an offer to speak with them in person (or at least over the phone).


7.     Treat every lead with respect. Period.


So that’s it, that’s my system.  How do you follow up with your leads?


Jeanna Martinez license #538288




Helping buyers and sellers in San Antonio and the surrounding areas!!


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