
Ninety out of One Hundred completed

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Ninety out of One Hundred completed

Ninety days in and still charging along. Heat from the dry summer or the friction of sustained effort?  Into the last ten days of the attack with gusto.

100 Day Attack poster

I can use my 1.1 multiplier yet again to stretch a little further – in a sprint to the finish.

 An increase in telephone calls, an increase in door knocking, an increase in meeting new people.  Apart from the  1.1 multiplier (applied each ten days of my 100 Day Attack), previous increases of new people are producing even others (quality introductions) over and above the new ones I find in my increased activity.  Summer heat and shady spots have been my allies during this attack. I go where my Sandy UT residents and clients are to be found..

Early morning rising is a pleasure, producing quiet time and allowing creative thought. Lots of writing; lots of plans; lots of "what ifs?"...

By looking at many aspects of my life during this 100 day Attack, I have been able to raise my fitness level as well as exercise my mental ability. Being demanding of myself and my time to establish new habits I am seeing real benefits to my business.

The harvest of our fruit crops has been symbolic of the achievements of the 100 Day Attack. Peaches are providing the current sweet juiciness, following plums, apricots, cherries, berries and strawberries. Still to come at intervals are nectarines, pears, apples and grapes. Reaping rewards from previous effort.

My 100 Day Attack promises a similar cornucopia of rewards.



What my 100 Day Attack is all about:



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"I'm only a call away"


"Ice Pick Strine"


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JoAnn Moore
The Mortgage Market of Delaware - Georgetown, DE
Home Loans in Delaware

Great to see you are ever increasing your efforts. You have quite a multitude of fruits right in your own yard. I like the analogy you used connecting your 100 day attack efforts to the cornicopia of fruits you are harvesting. 

Aug 29, 2012 12:53 PM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

JoAnn - I have always been grateful for and enjoyed the fruits of my labors. And they come in many forms.

Aug 29, 2012 09:49 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

HI Larry,

You're one of my favorite writers. You write from your heart and your soul is good. May you always enjoy the fruits of your labor. The people you serve are so lucky to have you in their corner. Sandy, UT is very lucky because you represent your area with excellent communication skills, integrity, drive and courage. Integrity is the alignment of your heart, mind, spirit, intentions and actions.

Thank you for being a very important person here on ActiveRain. We all learn a lot from you.


Aug 29, 2012 10:48 PM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

Patricia - Awww ~ you have a touching way with words. Now I can attack today all energized. I always enjoy the area I live in, seeking always its potential. I am happy to say I have never had to "endure" any place I have chosen to call home. Keep the photographs coming.

Aug 29, 2012 11:08 PM
Laura Filip
Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life - Whitesboro, TX
What can we do for you today?


Sep 06, 2012 10:27 AM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

Laura - at Day 99. Tomorrow is IT.

Sep 07, 2012 02:23 AM
Laura Filip
Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life - Whitesboro, TX
What can we do for you today?

Larry have you increased your listing numbers are sales up and what do you feel that you have accomplished so far?

Sep 08, 2012 01:30 AM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

Laura - My Attack has been to increase my involvement in the business and its level of activity. I have changes habits for the better. I am not expecting a cut back at Day 100 (nor a reversion to Day 1 status). Most interactive changes have come in the last third. Now working daily with clients ~ results you are looking for will flow. Most new clients are buyers.

Sep 08, 2012 01:44 AM