Many of today's buyers and real estate agents use the MLS listing online to preview homes. Your homes first impression is created when someone looks at its pictures. The decision of whether or not to view the home is made at that point. For me, the biggest turn-offs are MLS listings with no pictures, vacant home pictures, and pictures of "tired" homes.
Let's talk first about no pictures. If there are no pictures, I move on. If there are no pictures then I assume that there is something to hide or nothing to offer!
Vacant homes- the pictures are boring. I see a floor, blank walls and maybe, a window. I do not get an idea of the space or size of the room.
Tired homes- the impression I get varies from depressed, stressed, "forced sale", on the verge of bankruptcy, deferred maintenance, etc. You get the idea.
But before you can take those great photos you need to have a great subject. Spend some time and effort to make your home the best it can be. A professional home stager can help you with that process. We can view your home with an objective eye and make suggestions that we feel will maximize the appeal of your home to the largest number of potential buyer. We want to highlight the positive aspects of the home and update it without spending a lot of cash. There are little things that can be done to create a big effect.
For a vacant home, we can help by finding the right furnishing and accessories that will maximize the appeal of your home. I'm sure you know that new homes sell because of their models. Potential buyers visualize themselves living that lifestyle.
Once the home is staged, dramatic pictures of the updated home are given to the realtor so that they can be uploaded to the internet. With a little time and effort, the first impression of your home can be a positive one. In today's real estate market, there is a lot of competition and you want your home noticed and sold quickly. That means putting the best foot forward. You would not sell your car without detailing it first. Why would you put your home on the market without professionally staging it first?
The cost of home staging is most often less than the first price reduction. In the case of a vacant home staging, the owner needs to consider the monthly cost of the mortgage and the other carrying costs. Did you know that the cost of staging could be a tax write-off?
Home staging is an investment in your home. Call your local professional stager to help transform your house into a warm and inviting home!