I was showing property last night to a woman who at the end of the tour shared with me she really wanted to move to Marco Island (west coast of Florida), but that she couldn't go just yet. When I asked her why not she gave me the reasons, which in my opinion, were not good enough for her to not go for it. Then again, in my world, having reasons just gets in the way of what you really want in life, so I do my best to eliminate them. I said, "I understand your reasons, but there are easy things for you to do that would have that reason no longer be there". I then gave her suggestions on how to eliminate her "barriers".
She left giving me a hug and told me she was going to think about the properties we looked at, but if I'm in her court, I'm standing she makes the move west. Some people might think I just shot myself in the foot.
What do you think?