Kauai held it's 4th annual marathon yesterday. The race began at 6 AM in front of Poipu Shopping Village and ended near the Poipu Sheraton. Record participation by 1,829 participants included 553 from Kauai. Others came from throughout the United States and from 15 countries. The winner finished the 26 mile course in 2 hours, 23 minutes, 52 seconds. In my book, everyone who finished was a winner. Even those who stopped short of the finish line were winners in that they enjoyed beautiful Kauai and it's aloha spirit. Along the course were hula dancers, taiko drummers, hydration stations, and spectators standing along the route offering cheers and encouragement. Individual race results are available at The Kauai Marathon website.
This was my first marathon as a participant rather than a race volunteer and it was an awesome experience (I opted for the half marathon). I appreciated all the supporters who came out to help. The Taiko drummers could be heard from a mile away and it seemed like a shame to run by these and other great performers rather than to stop and enjoy. Many thanks to those who manned the hydration stations holding cups of water for we runners to snatch while running by.
Next year's marathon is scheduled for Sunday, September 1, please mark your calenders and come to participate, volunteer, or just enjoy this awesome little island we call Kauai.