A quiet, light week in the Intermountain West
Even hobbies of exciting observation can have quiet times. This week of shake and rattle in the Intermountain Corridor (Utah to Yellowstone) has been reasonably quiet.
As usual, reporting on my hobby of observing Seismic Activity (Earthquakes) in the Intermountain West is always to inform, never to alarm.
This last week the Intermountain West showed a mere twenty events, all in the micro category. Of these eleven were recorded in Utah with Lemington UT having the largest at 1.7.
Montana produced seven events with West Yellowstone accounting for four of them.
ID and AZ (near the southern UT border) had one event each.
I am excited that Seismic Activity is natural to this area giving me something to observe. I am excited at living in the middle of the map (in Sandy UT) of my observed area.
Information on our local Seismic Activity is available on a continuous basis from the US Seismic Service located at the University of Utah.