
The Hundredth day sure feels good. Celebration in Sandy UT today

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The Hundredth day sure feels good. Celebration in Sandy UT today

celebration after 100 Day Attack

My 100 Day Attack is over bar the shouting. It's my celebration time in Sandy UT. Tomorrow, Day 101, is planned as my day of rest and gratitude.

For those of you have followed the Attack since Day 1, June 1, 2012, I hope you have joined me in some of the consistent, persistent effort involved in the exercise. You will feel the effect also.

The Attack is a personal endeavor that I undertake at least once annually to lift myself, to make myself competitive in today's world. My"natural" comfort zone is just that, comfy; limited and excused of achievement necessity because of advancing years and perceived disability. I do not buy that scenario.

  1. Life is a magnificent ride; nowhere does it promise to be fair
  2. It is better to wear out than to rust out
  3. Age is only important to trees and cheese.

I have my Round Table of mentors and role models, some living, some not, some fictional, to assist me in all achievements.

The London Olympic Games and the Para Olympics have been held during the 100 Days - both provided additional inspiration, pointing always to excellence and supreme effort.

The benefits of my 100 Day Attack will continue because I now have new benchmarks, new habits, of activity.

I intend to live forever; so far so good


*****     *****     *****     *****

What my 100 Day Attack is all about:


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"I'm only a call away"


"Ice Pick Strine"


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Roger D. Mucci
Shaken...with a Twist 216.633.2092 - Euclid, OH
Lets shake things up at your home today!

Larry, You Rock!  Congratulations on your 100 Day Attack.  You met the challenge and succeeded with your wonderful positive attitude and strong will.  Kudos to you!  Enjoy your day of rest tomorrow and all the joy it brings you.  Monday will be here before you know it!

Sep 08, 2012 07:11 AM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

Roger - thanks. I had expected an empty hole in my day after the completion of this ecercise - but exact opposite ~ so much to do.

Sep 08, 2012 10:59 PM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Larry, just dawned on me that on June 2 I began an attack to lose weight and it is going great. And, remember you anouncement of the 100 day attack and never tied the two. Thanks for the inspiration!

Sep 08, 2012 11:31 PM
Larry O'Sullivan
Sandy, UT

Wayne - amazing what a hundred days can do. Happy you are seeing tangible results

Sep 09, 2012 09:30 AM
Laura Filip
Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life - Whitesboro, TX
What can we do for you today?

Larry one hundred days sure passed quickly please join me on the Ethics group I would like to start a review of the Code of Ethics paragraph by paragraph for a better understanding of the entire topic. Talk to you soon

Oct 10, 2012 10:53 AM