
Be Great In 2008 - Dave Liniger & Margaret Kelly

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Properties, Inc.

This Wednesday was Dave and Margaret's kickoff for their new program - Be Great in 2008.  I am fortunate to do business in the backyard of RE/MAX headquarters - about 40 minutes south - in Colorado Springs.  I signed up to attend this event in December and woke up Wednesday morning really pumped up to hear what they had to say.  I always enjoy listening to the two of them - they're always knowledgeable, thought-provoking, and just plain fun!

After waking up I took a peak outside to discover lots of ice and snow in my neighborhood.  I knew the drive to Denver was not going to be fun, but I didn't want to miss anything Dave had to say!  Many things were mentioned that got me thinking, but I wanted to share a few stats that they shared that I thought you might find interesting...

  • The Power of RE/MAX - 164,652 internet leads per month and $1.5 BILLION spent on advertising each year.
  • Out of the 1.4 million Realtors in the US, 400,000 of them didn't do any deals last year.
  • RE/MAX agents have more designations company-wide than any other real estate company.
  • There is currently an average of 10-months of inventory nationwide, with some areas carrying 17 months of inventory.
  • Nationwide - 1/3 of all Realtors have been in business less than 2 years, 2/3 have been in business less than 5 years.  The average RE/MAX agent has been in business 12-13 years.  My point?  Many agents have not experienced a true Buyer's market, giving RE/MAX agents the chance to let our experience carry us through this challenging market!

Many ideas were shared and it all gave me quite a bit to think about how I can improve my business in 2008 - especially during this ever changing market.  If you have the opportunity to attend "Be Great in 2008" when they come to your region, don't pass it up - it's a really great presentation!

RE/MAX - Above the Crowd

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Charity Lane
O'Brien Realty - Prince Frederick, MD
I am signed up for this event in Feb. Thanks for sharing! I can't wait too see for myself and learn some new techniques as well.
Jan 18, 2008 11:27 AM
Michele Webb
RE/MAX Properties, Inc. - Monument, CO
Charity - I hope you enjoy it.  I absolutely love listening to both Dave Liniger and Margaret Kelly.  It is amazing how far they've taken RE/MAX - simply amazing.  sourberr
Jan 18, 2008 01:45 PM
James Wexler - Scottsdale, AZ


I am with Coldwell Banker but I have several friends with Re/Max.  I know it is a magnificent company but my only reservation is that I have a comfort level here at Coldwell.  Do you think I should make the move anyway?

By the way, do you have an outside blog other than AR?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts about the world of RE.

Jun 22, 2008 06:55 AM