
Did I make a good move?

Real Estate Agent with Water Pointe Realty Group SL3145905



I’ve been in real estate since 2005.  Took a break from selling for one year, but stayed on top of the market.  I recently came back full time one month ago.  I’ve picked up three listings that I’m mouse in a maze with cheese on other side of wallactively working , and I have a handful of buyers.  Things are definitely rolling, but since I haven’t closed a deal yet the question that often shows up for me is, “did I make a good move?”

Rather than going down a tunnel with no cheese and allowing myself to get derailed, I stay in action, keeping focused on my commitment for success, not listening to anything that might give me the answer, “no, I did not make a good choice.”

Instead, I get to be the one who answers the question with anything I want.  And that answer is, “YES, I made a great choice.”

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47 SW Osceola Street ~ Historic Downtown Stuart ~ Florida  34994

772.288.0559  | o |  772.382.2299 | f |

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Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX


Welcome back to Real Esate. I wish you continued success in all that you do!

Sep 17, 2012 01:40 AM
Letitia Stevenson
BHHS Fox & Roach | - Greenville, DE
Listing Agent DE/PA/MD, Digital Marketer & Coach

Shelley, Welcome Back to Full Time RE & Welcome to the Rain! Active Rain is a great place to share your knowledge, expertise and thoughts, as well as network and learn so much from the vast pool of talent already onboard. I look forward to reading your upcoming posts. If you would like to connect with me on ActiveRain, please subscribe to my blog! Welcome Aboard & Much Success!

Oct 02, 2012 04:13 PM