If you own a home in Weston, MA it’s important that you follow proper protocol in maintaining your water well and your pumping system. Preventative Maintenance is a very simple process similar to having the oil in your car changed. The difference being is that you don’t even have to leave your home to have it done. Preventative Maintenance inspection on your well system can be scheduled in advance when you have time off. There are two main components of a well system to be considered when it comes to preventative maintenance Water Quality and Pumping System Mechanics.
Weston, MA is a small suburb approximately 17 miles outside of Boston. Weston is considered the wealthiest suburb of Boston and has the highest per capita income in Massachusetts. It’s beautiful and you don’t have to live there to admire the Old time American charm of the town. Weston was established in 1713 and was primarily a farming town. Hook and Hasting was by far the biggest industry in the town and operated from 1886 to 1936 as a pipe organ company. We have written this blog because we are dedicated to educating consumers on being responsible water well owners.
Water quality testing is of the utmost importance specifically to the town of Weston due to its agricultural background. The groundwater tables are influenced by agriculture due to the bacteria that farm animals present in their defecation and the fertilizers and growth hormones used. Volatile Organic Compounds are also higher in this area due to the different dyes and chemicals used on the building of organs in the past century. It’s important to maintain a strict water quality testing schedule.
Northeast Water Wells Inc Water Quality testing Recommendations are as follows:
Recommended to be tested yearly
Total Coliform Bacteria
Heterotrphic Plate Count
Basic Package
Recommended to be tested whenever there are noticeable water quality changes
Total Coliform Bacteria Hardness
E-Coli Bacteria Nitrate
pH Nitrite
Sodium Chloride
Iron Chlorine
Manganese Color
General Package:
Recommended to be tested every 3-5 years
Total Coliform Bacteria Sodium Hardness
E-Coli Bacteria Alkalinity Nitrate
Calcium Ammonia Nitrite
Copper Chloride pH
Iron Chlorine Sulfate
Magnesium Color Turbidity
Manganese Conductivity Odor/Sediment
Comprehensive Package
Recommended to tested every 3-5 years
Total Coliform Bacteria Sodium Hardness Arsenic (Total)
E-Coli Bacteria Alkalinity Nitrate Lead
Calcium Ammonia Nitrite Potassium
Copper Chloride pH Flouride
Iron Chlorine Sulfate Radon
Magnesium Color Turbidity
Manganese Conductivity Odor/Sediment
Recommended to be tested every 7- 10 years
Total Coliform Bacteria Sodium Hardness Arsenic (Total)
E-Coli Bacteria Alkalinity Nitrate Lead
Calcium Ammonia Nitrite Potassium
Copper Chloride pH Flouride
Iron Chlorine Sulfate Radon
Magnesium Color Turbidity Flouride
Manganese Conductivity Odor/Sediment P-dichlorobenzene
Radontetrachlorethylene Carbon Tetrachloride Trichloroethane Cis-1
Dichloroethylene Toluene Dichloroethylene Ethylbenzene Monochlorobenzene
The Mechanical inspection consists of a full system check, air charge/ pressure balance, pressure switch check, performance check and inspection on mechanical equipment, Efficiency check, and inspection of the integrity of the well seal complete with detailed system recommendation and results. Mechanical inspections are recommended to be done yearly.