International Peace Day 2012: What will You Do For Peace Day?
is peace something that resonates with you and your being?
is there anything you can do to bring peace to the world?
Yes, there is!
- Peace starts at home
- Peace starts within ourselves
- Peace is being kind to our family and neighbors
- Peace is an inner quality that you control with your reactions to any given situation
- Think about peace for 5 minutes.. nothing else
- Do something nice for a stranger
- Help an elderly person
- Refrain from getting angry for JUST ONE DAY!
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see in the world!
Let's unite and "Be the Peace we want to see in the world!"
We will never have global peace if can't live it at home.
September 21, 2012 is International Peace Day.
You may watch live streaming events from around the world on PeaceTV. It starts Thursday Sept. 20th
Check out the live streaming Youtube channel for Peace One Day with Elton John, James Morrison, 2Cello live in London on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012.
Invite your family, friends and clients to share in Peace Day 2012 and Post Photos for Peace. Let them know on peace day and keep the photos coming! We can have peace everyday if we work it that way!
Go right now and start to Post Photos for Peace on our facebook event and join the peace goup for some new global connections. Comment on the photos and meet new friends!
Check out the google+ Post Photos for Peace event and see over 400 photos of what peace means to people. We will be creating and sharing a #peacecircle so if you want to build your circles on google plus this would be a great place to start! The perfect example of how Google+ works is reading what Robin Griggs Wood has posted and what she has done with photos for peace.
This UN link shares a bit more about the International Day of Peace also known as #PeaceDay
"I urge everyone, between now and 21 September, to think about how they can contribute. Let us work together ...... sustainable development, sustainable peace… and a secure future for all." UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
"The International Day of Peace, a.k.a. "Peace Day" provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date.......Anyone, anywhere can celebrate Peace Day. It can be as simple as lighting a candle at noon, or just sitting in silent meditation. Or it can involve getting your co-workers, organization, community or government engaged in a large event. The impact if millions of people in all parts of the world, coming together for one day of peace, is immense."
Could you stick with this pledge for peace for 40 days? Try it with your family, co-workers and friends!
Join us Friday, September 21, 2012 9:00 a.m. PDT on Blogtalkradio to talk with Kit Cummings about his Power of Peace Project. We will be discussing Men of Power and Men of Peace all men who made a difference in our world.
- Gandhi
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Martin Mandela
- Jesus
- Albert Einstein
Kit is working with death row inmates who are reaching out behind the prison walls to touch "at risk kids" telling them how to avoid the mistakes they have made and stay on the right path to peace in their lives.
Call in to 347-994-1903 and share Peace Day with us, ask questions and get inspired!
Take action by listening and watching the peace day events that can change the world. Click the link and listen live on blogtalkradio Friday, September 21, 2012 9:00 a.m. PDT or anytime after the show listen to the archive!
What will you be doing for International Peace Day 2012?
Peace be with you!