
Is your Active Rain Blog 'Mobilized' yet?

Services for Real Estate Pros with

Real vision homes Qr code

What's this? Well its a cool new way to get your Active Rain Blog (or any blog for that matter) readable on a mobile device.

The whole technology behind this is based on a decoding method that is popularly used in barcode type scanners and this particular flavor is based on the Datamatrix / QRcode. ( just in case u wanted the geeky info)

Anyhow to get this working on your blog go to Kaywa and start off by "mobilizing" your blog address.

This is pretty straight foward, and then copy the little bit of javascript and paste it in the Blog Settings area of your AR blog - If you see all the little widgets on the right of my blog, thats the space it shows up in.

Next you can download the Kaywa Mobile Reader for your cellphone. This is what "recognizes" the cryptic image liek the one above this post.

Now the Cool Part:

How does it work? Well you need to start up the application on your cell phone (after you have downloaded it from Kaywa here )

If it works on your cell phone, congrats! you have joined in a growing group of tech savvy Rss and blog reading people.

Now anywhere you see the Code as above, you click a picture with your cell phone camera, and it instantly decodes the "mobilized" blog address and displays the formatted for cell phones version of your Blog.

 The Future of all this:

You didn't think I just posted this for some geeky fun did you :-)

No... I can see where this can go... Imagine, printing out a code on your flyers, or a newspaper ad or magazine,  or your business card.

You can encode anykind of information, such as your listing Details, a web address, or your contact details.

People with the QR reader application  can just point and click a photo with their cell phones and grab the info either to their address book or launch their mobile web-broswer to be taken to a propety video etc.

(oh wait this is still geeky! :-)


 More technology for real estate posts on my outside blog here

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Jonelle Simons
Windermere Real Estate - Park City, UT
Cool post - thanks for sharing!  Everything is going mobile now, and people are texting instead of actually calling people - this is a good source for more cell technology!
Jan 21, 2008 02:04 AM
Clydd realvision - Dickens, TX

Hi Jonelle,

I'll try and research more on datamatrix code and other reader software for phones, then write a post about how to use it for Real estate flyers and such..


Jan 21, 2008 02:21 AM
Kent Simpson
Realty One Group Mountain Desert - Tucson, AZ
Real Estate Is About People
Nice tip - what do you know about using a .mobi domain?
Jan 26, 2008 01:42 AM
Frances C. Rokicki
Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC - Bolton, CT

Wow!  That is very powerful! On my way to meet new buyers, I will check out the site later:) Thanks!

It's a Good Life!


Jan 26, 2008 03:38 AM