As of today, there are currently 2,809 Active Listings in all of Hamilton County.
Hamilton County's Pendings have been increasing over the last several months. In November 2007 we had 43 pendings. Then in December 2007 we had 123 pendings. As of today, January 2008 has already had 158 pendings.
I track the "absorption rate" of Hamilton County per month by dividing the total number of active listings by the number of pendings during the last 30 days. The absorption rate is still high at 17 months of inventory; however, the great news is that the number of Pendings is going up.
The average sale price is still high at 96% of list price and the average days on the market is a little over 90 days.
We saw an increase in activity this weekend with a high number of showings scheduled for prospective buyers to view our listings.
Let's focus on the positive news in our local market!
Make it a Great Day!