When you meet with your potential customer one of the first things to do is find out what debt is owed on the property.
You can do this one of two ways.
One way obviously is to ask the seller. They don't always know or understand the question.
The way I like the best is to research the County Court Records. Everything you need to know is online these days.
You will be able to research each person on the deed and the mortgage of the property and any other mortgages, liens or judgments that need to be dealt with.
We also research for unpaid property taxes as this can affect what the homeowner can sell the property for.
Here are the web sites for each County Clerks:
Miami-Dade - http://www.miami-dadeclerk.com/civil/default.asp
Broward -
Palm Beach - http://oris.co.palm-beach.fl.us/or_web1/or_sch_1.asp
Martin - http://clerk-web.martin.fl.us/wb_or1/or_sch_1.asp
PSL - http://oncore.slcclerkofcourt.com/oncorewebpublic/Search.aspx
Indian Riv - http://www.clerk.indian-river.org/Records/ByName.aspx
Here are the websites for each county tax collector:
Miami-Dade - http://www.miamidade.gov/proptax/
Broward - http://bcegov.co.broward.fl.us/revenue/nameform.asp
Palm Bch - http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/tc_pubaccess/default.asp
Martin - http://taxcol.martin.fl.us/
St. Lucie - https://www.stlucie.county-taxes.com/
Indian River - http://www.irctax.com/Property_Gen_Info.htm