Ground was broken on September 12, 2006 for the new community center located at Martil Luther King Park. The Elm Grove Community Center is scheduled to be completed by June 2007.
Susan Berry, commission member, thought the name represents a more multicultural area of town instead of a single person, which would be more inclusive. Billy Bob Williams, another commission member, wanted to see the name attached to the building.
What is in the name Martin Luther King? I don't understand how a commission could NOT see the inclusiveness of Martin Luther King! Dr. King fought for Civil Rights for all people. His belief that every boy and girl has the right to live, play, and prosper in the United States of America could not have been more inclusive. Dr. King was multicultural. With the park being located in a multicultural area, and the park being named after King, then why not the community center?
Taking the name away, in my opinion is taking away from the meaning of King's life and legacy. It is taking away from a community that continues to need a star. The "Commission", needs to evaluate or perhaps "Google" the name of Dr. Martin Luther King, and I am sure they will see several things. One of those things will be, MULTICULTURAL!