I often find myself wondering once we've weeded out the bad, Who's Left to Run for Office? Seems every channel on tv or page of the paper has the latest great smear on pretty much any candidate to run for office. Doesn't matter if it has any truth in it at all just go ahead and sling your mud cause we're slinging ours. Makes me wonder what the hater's will hate after the elections. Facebook is a breading ground for unfounded slams against not just a person but entire party lines. Seems there has always been an "us vs them" mentality but the past few years it is getting down right vicious.
Whether we consider ourselves teachers or not our kids ARE learning from us. They learn how to hate and how to belittle and bully from watching us. I would love to think of a way where we could make mud slinging illegal and if a candidate smears his competition make them prove it or risk perjury. Like everyone else, I have my thoughts, ideas and picks for who matches my beliefs closely but I refuse to bully someone else into thinking the way I do or risk personal attacks.
Best thing we can do is BE that example our kids need and teach them that differing opinions are not bad but a way of seeing other angles. End of sermon. Keep in mind though that was we have removed everyone with something in their past they are not proud of and all the people that make mistakes, Who's Left to Run for Office? Best of luck in all you do and thanks for reading.