
Denver's Best Trick-or-Treating Neighborhoods & Top 20 Ranked Cities

Real Estate Agent with HomeSmart Cherry Creek - Denver

Remember when you were a kid and all you cared about on Halloween was hoping to snag the 'good' candy when you trick-or-treated?  The neighbors up and down our long street looked forward to seeing my three brothers and me, dressed-up in our home-made Halloween best! 

Usually we ate dinner early and headed out at dusk...collecting enough sugary treats to keep us wired til Christmas!  Sure, we received the occasional 'toothbrush & toothpaste' set from the dental professional who lived nearby, yet we knew it was given with kind intentions. Once in a while, we'd receive a shiny new quarter or even an entire package of Oreos EACH from the older lady who lived one block over. These were major scores in our book!! Heck, I still think about that huge package of Oreo cookies after all these years! THAT was the coolest treat EVER!!

Soooo, go back to your best Halloween trick-or-treat memory...what was your favorite treat?

Check out the TOP CITIES for Trick or Treating by clicking on the Haunted House image!

DENVER landed lucky number 13 on the list with the FIVE following neighborhoods ranked best for the kiddies:  Denver Country Club, Belcaro, Hilltop, Wash Park & Montclair

WHERE DOES YOUR CITY RANK?  (click on image below)

Halloween in Denver

ENJOY the fun of ghosts and goblins in whichever neighborhood you Trick-or-Treat! Just remember to save me a piece of the good candy...and of course, we can even 'trade'!!

Have a fantastic time and remember, PLEASE BE SAFE!!
Kind Regards,
Kathleen signature
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Mark Loewenberg
KW of the Palm Beaches - Palm Beach Gardens, FL
KW 561-214-0370

what an honor to hold! and that is an area I called home so many years ago! wahoo1

Oct 23, 2012 09:18 AM