
Coralville IA Real Estate Market Report January - September 2012

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Cardinal Realty ~ 319-400-0268

How's the real estate market in Coralville doing? From my Snapshot of Home Sales in Coralville at the beginning of the month you know that home sales are up for the year.  Today I have a graph and some numbers to share with you to give you more to go on for the real estate market in Coralville .

The graph shows the number of homes sold and median price of homes sold in Coralville January through September 2012 compared to 2011. You'll notice that unlike Iowa City there are some strong high and low points when it comes to home prices in Coralville. I live in Coralville and probably know this market best of all for the areas I cover. I think that the high and low points have more to do with what type of homes sold in any given month rather than any real hike or drop in prices in Coralville. Coralville is a very different market to Iowa City. Zero lots and condos for the value shopper and homes catering to the luxury market are both very strong in Coralville and depending on how many of each sell in a month it can skew the overall numbers.


Homes sold and home prices Coralville January - September 2012

Click through to the original post @ Cardinal Realty Iowa City to view a table with the average price and median price of homes sold in Coralville IA.

The important thing to note with this graph is that homes are selling in Coralville. The last two months were a little softer than the strong summer, but October is shaping up very well so far.  Of course this is still a bit too general if you're seriously thinking of selling a home in Coralville. When it comes to selling a home you really need to know what's going on in your particular neighborhood. What this information gives you is a general feel for how the housing market in Coralville is trending and that's always a good place to start.

Source for data: Iowa City MLS October 24, 2012

Posted by

Denise Hamlin, Realtor®


CARDINAL Realty, Coralville IA 

Licensed to Sell Real Estate in the State of Iowa


Helping Happy Clients Make Smart Choices 

Iowa City Area Real Estate Services


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