Vanderlyn Elementary School :: One of the Top Elementary Schools in Metro Atlanta
Part of the DeKalb County school system, Valderlyn Elementary is one of the top elementary schools in the State of Georgia. Vanderlyn was awarded the the Georgia School of Excelllence Award from the State of Georgia Department of Education and the Platiunum Award for academic achievement from the Governor's office of Student Achievement.
Located in the heart of the affluent Dunwoody community, Vanderlyn Elementary serves over 700 students (K-5). They also offer one of the best student : teacher ratios in Dekalb County (see the update below). Since they opened their doors in the early 1970s, this Dunwoody Elementary School has always had a reputation of academic excellence. Real estate is highly sought after and home values are already on the rise. Learn more about Vanderly Elementary and view ALL the Dunwoody homes for sale in this school district.
1877 Vanderlyn Drive | Dunwoody, GA 30338
Principal: Ms. Tracey Crenshaw
** Test scores on left compare Vanderlyn versus Elementary School averages in DeKalb County GA
There are several reports about this ratio and we wanted to share them with you:
- reports an average 16 to 1 student teacher ratio
- Trulia reports that Vanderlyn has an average 12 to 1 student teacher ratio
- reports an average 16 to 1 student teacher ratio
- stated that "In 2010, Vanderlyn Elementary School had 16 students for every full-time equivalent teacher."
- A Vanderlyn parent wanted to share that there are as many as 28 students in the Kindergarten class
- "Extended day" programs (aka After School Program) where the school day is extended before and after school to accommodate working parents.
- Gifted and Talented program
- Special Education Classes
- Services and training to students with moderate to severe mental and/or physical disabilities
- English as Second Language
Lake at Dunwoody Crossing
Lake of Dunwoody
Mt. Vernon Lake
Mt Vernon Springs
The Woodlands
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Kerry Lucasse | 404.721.3001 | Serving Brookhaven, Dunwoody, and the Intown Atlanta neighborhoods