Nobody has much free time these days.
I’ll be lucky if you read down to the second paragraph without skimming.
If you see this post in Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin you might just comment there based solely on the title and mini description you see, right? We’ve all done that. It’s what the social media world has conditioned us to do. It’s a fast and furious world out there.
In case you haven’t noticed, Linkedin (the “Ginger” of social networks), recently launched a new feature called Endorsements.
This didn’t replace the uber cool Recommendations. If you want to compare it to anything it’s like giving a Fav to a tweet, or Like to a Facebook comment, or better yet a +K in Klout.
Quantity vs Quality
The new Endorsements are quick and easy to do. There’s a new popup box that might show when you next visit Linkedin begging you to Endorse your contacts.
This means that in very little time you could click your way to hundreds or thousands of Endorsements. Don’t laugh! There are people out there doing just that. When they Endorse you, you’ll get a notification and be prompted to Endorse them back.
That’s a real marketing plan! (but not something I would use)
Without knowing it, I currently have around 100 or so Endorsements. Coincidentally I have about the same number of Recommendations. While I am grateful someone clicked on something to give them to me (Endorsements), I’m struggling to see their worth.
Did you notice that I rank high in endorsements for Real Estate, First Time Buyers, Condos? That’s pretty incredible having NEVER sold a home, eh? (I’ve never been a real estate agent). As a joke, I added the Cheeseburger skill just to see if anyone is paying attention.
Compare the Endorsement to a Recommendation
A recommendation takes time, you actually have to think and write something about the person. That’s a lot to ask for these days.
Both can show on your Linkedin Profile, so assuming a potential client Googles my name (which happens all the time). My Linkedin Profile will show on the 1st Page. When they view my Profile, which of the two delivers the most value? Which of the two tells people who I really am, what it’s like to work with me, and so much more? It’s the Recommendation hands down.
That’s Quality!
Quantity still comes into play. If you were looking for someone to build a website for them, all things being equal – would you be more apt to hire the one with 3 Recommendations or 30?
Besides being a virtual poke (pat on the back, like, Fav, +K or +1) where is the value in an Endorsement?
You might as well just