This blog should go under my series titled "So You Want To Be A Landlord"
But I'm putting it out there as a warning to anyone renting property in the Fresno area.
I have a property I am renting in a gated community in North West Fresno. Most all properties rented in that area are going for around $1100.00 minimum per month.
One of the places I have the property listed on is Craigslist. Well some scammer simply copied my ad and offered the place for $700.00 per mo. Fortunately I have a sign on the property so when people have driven by to look at the property (per instructions of scammer) they see my sign and call me to find out why there is a discrepency between the number of the person they are corresponding with via the SCAM ad and me.
The scammer that has the bogus ad tells the would be renters that her name is Phylis H********n which is the name that is still showing on public records. only she is no longer the owner because my client recently bought the property.
One of the people who responded to the scammers ad said she felt it was "too good to be true" and added that her suspicions were futher raised when the scammer sent her to the property without providing a gate code. She said she addressed several of her concerns to the scammer via email and they were all ignored but the scammer did ask for her to wire money.
On the Fresno County website there is a warning about Rental Scams and they say they arrested one man who rented over 40 homes that were not his.
If you're a landlord you should consider posting a sign (as I did) in the window and warning about Craigslist scammers.Here's a picture of it: