One of our newest additions is our Mecosta County Area Chamber of Commerce Member Benefits 101. This will be at The Gate, here in Big Rapids on January 24, 2013 at 6pm. One of my first acts as incoming president was to call each and every member and thank them for being part of our Chamber family. In doing this we found a lot of businesses who knew of one or two but really didn't have a good grasp on our benefits so we decided an after hours event where we could network a little and go over all of their benefits and how to make the benefits work for them better. My thought are the more value a member places on their membership, the more likely they will remain Chamber members. Member retention is always a priority here. We also have a few new benefits for them, such as our new Chamber phone App. We went with and beings we were already involved with Chamber Master it was an easy install. I look forward to serving this year and have great plans to enhance our members experience with the Chamber. On deck is our Mecosta County Area Chamber of Commerce Member Benefits 101. Best of luck in all you do and thanks for reading.
Remerica Integrity, RealtorsĀ®, Northville, MI - Livonia, MI
Metro Detroit Real Estate Professional 734.564.1519
Randy, congrats on being the Chamber of Commerce President! I've never been a member of ours, but maybe I should look into it?
Nov 03, 2012 08:42 AM
Lake and Lodge Realty LLC - Big Rapids, MI
Real Estate Broker, Serving Big Rapids and West Central MI
I am a huge Chamber fan Eric. Not just being a member but doing the events is a great networking tool.
Nov 03, 2012 09:09 AM