2007 is over and we're almost at the end of January. I think this is going to be a very good year!!! I have started it off on the right foot, with the right attitude. How about you? I talk to so many realtors who are still hanging on last years business. They are still thinking it will come back if I sit in the office and wait. I think it is time to develop new skills, new attitudes, and new techniques for 2008. I really think last year was the time, but it is never too late.
If you didn't make the sales last year that you needed to, and you are still doing business the same way this year, what makes you thing anything is going to change? You really better get moving or your going to miss out on some wonderful experiences. You need to be prepared to work hard for your money, the days of just letting your business run itself has been over for a long time. If you aren't ready to put in the time, effort, and money maybe you should look into a new career.
I am meeting wonderful people who now have a lot of financial problems because of a real estate market that took advantage of everything. Mortgage companies gave loans to people they knew couldn't make the payments. People bought homes they knew (deep down inside) they couldn't afford. Realtors had a false sense of security. Money was spent as if it were free, greed took over, and now there is a world of hurt. It is going to take a long time for the real estate market to recover.
So to all the Realtors who think business is just going to jump in your lap, and predict that everything is going to turn around in a year needs to think again. If your not willing to put in the hours, to acquire the training, to spend the money, and to work harder and kinder than you ever have in the past. You aren't going to make it. I really am trying to be helpful, but there are some of you out there who need to be done. Stop complaining and start changing. It is going to be a great!!