
California Homes have Sunshine on a Cloudy Day in Newport Beach CA

Real Estate Agent with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Realty BRE# 01398486

Ocean and Beach Balboa Peninsula Point Newport Beach CA

Like This! - If this photo of my son and granddaughter makes you smile.

With 70 degrees as the average year round temperature you are guaranteed
sunshine even on a cloudy day in Newport Beach CA.

As a California Realtor, selling Newport Beach CA Homes For Sale is an opportunity of a lifetime. I am able to build relationships with local neighbors and assist them with all of their Real Estate needs. 

As a certified Real Estate Pricing Specialist, banks, asset managers, sellers and buyers rely on me for my Broker Price Opinion.  I am grateful to the many homeowners who allow me to gain their trust as I confidentially counsel them on the value of their home, which in most cases, is the most important asset that they own.  It is a privilege to be a Realtor listing, selling and leasing homes in the Orange County, CA coastal communities and to live on Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, CA.

Where else can you wake up each morning and be greeted by the
smile of the sun and the sounds and smells of the Pacific Ocean?

Did you know that Newport Beach CA also has 8 Islands that locals walk and jog to? 
Perhaps you have heard of them:  Balboa Island, Little Balboa Island, Collins Isle, Bay Island,
Newport Island, Lido Island, Harbor Island and Linda Isle.
Map Newport Beach CA Balboa Peninsula and 8 Islands

Please let me know if you or someone you know is interested in living an Orange County California Lifestyle.
The best way I can help you is by communicating your needs to me.

Click Here to:  Tell me what type of home you are looking for.

Thinking of Selling your home?  Click Here to:  Find out what Your Home is Worth 

Call or Text: Agent Mary Lou 949-355-6169

California Homes have Sunshine on a Cloudy Day in Newport Beach CA

Posted by

Listing, Selling, and Leasing
Orange County coastal community Real Estate
“Agent Mary Lou is a “Certified Property Valuator”
which Banks, Asset Managers, Sellers and Buyers rely on

Agent Mary Lou Skowronski – 949-355-6169 Cell/Text
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties
Confidential consultations and client testimonials with…

your local Newport Beach Balboa Peninsula Point neighbor











DRE Lic#: 01398486

Direct: 949-723-4930
Prudential California Realty Luxury Property Specialist, NABPOP BPO Certified,

REO and Short Sale Specialist, Foreclosure Prevention Counselor

HAFA Investor Certified Realtor, GRI, CPV, ASD, CSP, CDPD, ePRO, PSC

Referrals are an important part of my business. 
If you know of anyone interested in selling their home, relocating to
 Orange County, CA or an Investor looking for a strong beach rental
investment, please tell them that Agent Mary Lou can help them.

Real Estate Newport Beach CA homes  Realtor Mary Lou Skowronski

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Karen Kruschka
RE/MAX Executives - Woodbridge, VA
- "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"

Mary Lou  Very nice - I did not know Newport Beach had 8 islands.  That is the type info I believe makes a post interesting.  It also lets people know you are a local expert

Nov 09, 2012 01:50 AM
Mary Lou Skowronski
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Realty - Newport Beach, CA
Newport Beach CA Homes Realtor

Thanks Karen - Newport Beach CA is a popular destination because there are so many outdoor activities available to enjoy.

Nov 09, 2012 03:54 AM