As a REALTOR, one of my jobs is to help pick out homes fro buyers to potentially purchase. Luckily, I have a broad knowledge of homes, locations and similar to help guide me through this process. Unfortunately, for the consumer, they have to rely solely on the data that is input into the MLS system. So what does this mean? Well, it means that lazy agents still get listings and they do the bare minimum when inputting this information. A major problem is the photo section. No I know it's VERY expensive to develop digital photos.... so I can understand why only one photo would appear for the listing. Even better, the photo taken in 2006 by the property appraiser can be used instead! Yes, I am being sarcastic, but believe it or not, that is exactly what happens. I have seen listings with one photo and the agent didn't even take it. To top it all off, there is no description of the all. This is where I want to scream and contact the seller of the home and ask "How did you hire this person"?
So, a word of advice. When you hire your agent, ask to see examples of their other listings. Check them for good photos and content. Once your listing is up and running, make sure it is complete and accurate. This does several things. It ensure proper exposure on other sites, it attracts the correct buyers, and reaches more potential buyers. You need to have multiple photos and good quality photos. Any agent worth dealing with, will use a decent camera and I am NOT talking about a cell phone camera. The agent should have also invested in a virtual tour program to highlight everything about your home. Be cautious of the agent who does not do all of the above. If they are not willing to do the task above to market your home, they don't deserve your listing. Don't be afraid to ask for these things. You are paying a commission to this person and you should get what you pay for.