
Leadership Germantown is now on FB. Like us!

Real Estate Agent with Shorewest Realtors, Metro Milwaukee

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Leadership Germantown - Kevin Nash - Germantown Wisconsin 53022












What is Leadership Germantown? Leadership Germantown is a rigorous, challenging and life-enriching year of seminars, visits, field trips, lectures and group/team-building opportunities that offer participants a unique opportunity to deepen, enrich and extend their knowledge in diverse areas while maintaining their normal work and family lives. Leadership Germantown is committed to building relationships among individuals and organizations today; and to cultivate, maintain and mobilize a diverse leadership pool for our future. 

Leadership Germantown will advance skills in team building, visionary thinking and project leadership while developing their networking opportunities and involvement through community.  Individual and panel discussions with corporate executives, elected officials, subject experts, and village and community leaders reveal tips on decision-making, visionary thinking and developing collaborative relationships.

Contact us at:

Leadership Germantown
Kevin Nash, President
PO Box 125
Germantown, WI 53022

Posted by

Kevin Nash Kevin Nash Germantown WI
Shorewest Realtors

262.437.5830 Direct
262.227.7908 Cell
262.782.5070 Fax


Selling homes where I live is what I do!!/profile.php?id=1171114121 

Looking to move into the Milwaukee Metro area? Contact Kevin Nash, his knowlege of the Washington, Waukesha, Ozaukee and Milwaukee counties allows him to help you find what you are looking for, home!

Contact Kevin is you are if you are considering buying or selling a home or would just like to have additional information about real estate in your area.




Serving Metro Milwaukee, Washington County, Waukesha County and Ozaukee County since 1998 with over $80 million in career sales

Cindy Westfall
Premiere Property Group,LLC Portland Metro & Suburbs Oregon - Tualatin, OR
ABR,GRI Your Tualatin & Portland Metro Real Estate

Hi Kevin, looks like you've been real busy on this! Leadership Germantown sounds like a fantastic program that will not only enrich ones own life..but that of others. Nice going and congrats!

Nov 10, 2012 01:23 AM
Kevin Nash
Shorewest Realtors, Metro Milwaukee - Germantown, WI

Hey Cindy,

Thanks for the post and nice to hear from you, it's been a while for me, I'm so involved with our commuinity which takes up a lot my time which I don't mind but time none the less.

Germantown has been ranked as one of the best places to live by Money Magazine twice and Better Homes and Gardens once in the last 10 years. I attribute that to our Leadership Germantown program which has been able to bridge the gap between the municpal work force, the private businesses in our business parks, retail business, church groups and local residents.

It's a win-win for everyone.

Talk to you soon.



Nov 12, 2012 01:43 AM