
Bogus phone numbers

Real Estate Agent with Century21 New Millennium
Since we are a lead generated company I was following up with some leads I recently pulled.  Some phone numbers are good...but for the ones that aren't, I wish they would just enter a really obvious dummy know like 555-1212 or 111-111-1111..This would save me and probably several other people so much time.  I know how it is, I don't want to give my number out to sales people either.  I guess it is probably asking too much.
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1~Judi Barrett
Idabel, OK
That is a really frustrating thing that people would do that.  What's the point when they do that?? They are seeking help but they don't want you to have their phone number??  Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Jan 24, 2008 12:16 PM
Monique Combs
Royal Shell Real Estate - Cape Coral, FL
Royal Shell Real Estate - Monique Combs

Hi Kathleen ~ I don't call much anymore, but it is on my plan for 2010.

Nov 19, 2009 12:34 PM