but not everyone can sell. I've been thinking about this for a while as I put together my "game plan" for 2013. It takes so much more than simply listing a property in the local MLS, planting a yard sign out front and submitting the property to various other websites. Heck...anyone can do that! The effort comes in finding a creative way in which to attract prospective buyers to view your listing. My efforts lately have been on internet advertising and playing the numbers game. Countless hours are spent creating Craigslist Ads, blogging and working at developing "Relevant Content" within my website. If you are like me, you thrive on the immediate satisfaction that your efforts are paying off. Unfortunately, that is generally not how it happens. More often than not, when I least expect it, another Agent calls me out of the blue to let me know that they are submitting an offer (maybe all the stars are in alignment, or something else like KARMA is playing out- remember that the next time you can do something nice for someone). Whatever it is, I'll take it!
Let's face it, until we have achieved Critical Mass, we will all experience the roller coaster ride called SALES. If you don't like the feeling of the highs and lows, this career clearly is not the right choice for you. Perhaps a "re-read" of What Color is Your Parachute" is in order. For others of us, we thrive on the DEAL. Bringing buyers and sellers together for mutual benefit. Even the tenous negotiations over whether that wood carving of a bear will stay with the property, or not, can be exhilerating.
The trick is finding the balance between the highs and lows. That calm area where you know you have chosen the career for you. Keep your eye on the big picture and don't let the deals that fall apart keep you from striving for success. Remember...anyone can list a property.. but YOU are the one who will get it sold.