The internet is like a continent sized forest, and things like search engines and social networking sites are like park rangers or guides. If these people can’t find your website, then your website is like a billboard in the middle of these woods. No one will know it’s there. Having an invisible website is why most real estate professionals who have had a website think having their own site is useless. Of course an invisible site is useless!
Search engines strive to place the truly best, most authoritative pages in any subject matter at the top of their search results. For real estate professionals Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a many faceted discipline that includes unique, localized, compelling site content, listings, blogging, press releases, article submissions, and other content. Consequently, with so many options available you must build a content strategy.
What Are The Different Types Of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
There are two types of search results in the major search engines: Organic Search Results and Pay Per Click Search Results. This article series will deal exclusively with Organic Search Results.
Organic Search Results
These are the normal search results you see in search engines and they’re listed starting at the left side of your screen. Usually there are 10 results given per page, although you can customize how many results you get per page by doing an advanced search and specifying the number of results you want to see per page. About 85% of people click the organic search results, not the Pay Per Click results (we’ll explain what these results are next). To get your website listed for any keyword searches and ranked highly in search results for those organic searches, you must get your website search engine optimized (SEO). The ideal situation is having page one ranking (IE in the first 10 search results) in the organic results section for any search engine for all the keyword phrases you want to be known for.
Pay Per Click Results
These are search results located along the top and to the extreme right of a search results page. In Google they’re labeled Sponsored Links and in Yahoo they’re labeled Sponsor Results. Businesses pay to have these links to their websites. You can choose whichever keywords or specific keyword phrases you want to get found for such as “Toronto real estate” or “Mississauga homes”. When using Pay-Per-Click ads you agree to pay the search engine a certain amount of money for every time someone clicks your link.
How well you’re positioned in the Pay Per Click area depends on the number of other advertisers who want to be found for those keywords and how much each advertiser is willing to pay for each click to their ad. Let’s say there are 100 businesses who want to be in the Pay Per Click section for the search phrase “Toronto real estate”. The business willing to pay the most per click for these keywords will get the most prominent positioning. The person willing to pay the second most per click with get the 2nd best positioning, and so on. With Google’s Pay Per Click system called Google Adwords, your same pay per click link will be featured in Google search results for those keywords and with websites it thinks are closely aligned with what you offer.