
It's All About Attitude

Managing Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker Bain


Have you read "The Secret" or listened to Lou Tice lately? Every decade there seems to be a new evangelist touting the answer to success or happiness (shouldn't they be synonymous?) After every national election, the worriers worry about the devastating impact of the party controlling Congress. From where I sit, there are darn few things we can control - but the most important thing we can control is our personal attitude. You are what you think (all the evangelists agree on that)!
As the holidays approach consider giving yourself a gift this year...a gift your entire community will appreciate:  a positive attitude about your life, your business, our country! Expect the best and you just might be surprised what happens!


Paula Fortier, Principal Managing Broker -Bellevue

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John G. Johnston
John G. Johnston & Associates, LLC - Westcliffe, CO
An Exclusive Buyer's Agent ~ Westcliffe, CO

Paula  I see where you are located and that brings to mind a story from back in the 70's.  I was in Banff, Alberta at the Banff Springs Hotel.  I was sitting in the bar enjoying a nice drink and sharing conversation with a gentleman from Houston, TX.  I assumed him to be a rich Texan.  I commented how nice it would be when I could live his life.  He looked at me and said "we're in the same room, both having a nice drink and breathing the same air..."

That statement did a lot to change my attitude!  Enjoy the day!  John

Nov 19, 2012 09:14 AM
Charles Stallions Property Manager
Charles Stallions Real Estate Services - Pace, FL
Pensacola, Pace & Gulf Breeze Property Management

I would agree a positive attutude will do wonders for your health as well.

Nov 22, 2012 12:51 PM