
Is It Time To Use Video In Your Marketing?

Real Estate Agent with Exit Realty

The times are changing, and so is our technology. In a blink of an eye we went from beepers to cell phones.  Brick cell phones to credit card sized cell phones. 

As if that wasn't enough, we now have the ability to: takes pics with our phone, take video with our phone, enter addresses and dates into our phones, even the ability to listen to music and record information on most phones.

How about the internet?  How many of you remember the dreaded dial up.  I use to cringe every-time my phone would ring, because I would loose pertinent data that I was working on, as the computer would boot me out.  How did we go from dial up to one click of the mouse and you are on-line.

These are all just a few great examples of how our technology is growing, and at rapid pace.   The funny thing is we don't even realize that its happening.

A lot of times, people tend to shy away from "new technology" AT FIRST.   How many times have you been approached about new databases that would help you improve your Real Estate business, that you turned down, only to it purchase at a  later date so you could keep up with your competition?

Well, I am about to show you something new, and I promise this is something that will leave a lasting impression!


What if you sent a video email, click on the picture to view videos of the following:

                                                       Realtors                  Mtg. Brokers           


Can you see how that would help your business?

What about the ability to broadcast live?  Have your very own TV show live on the internet.  Educate the public on their credit, interest rates, and market stats.  When it is time to purchase or sell, who do you think they are going to call?  Broadcasting live even has the capability to: record your shows (archive them), enable chat (to allow your audience to type questions), have slides and/or pictures, poll your audience, have a guest speaker (like with the news anchors, when they go live to a scene, then back to the news anchors, you can do the same), create ads (linkable banners all around as seen in the video emails).

To see an example of an archived broadcast, please click on the picture below. Then click on the left under PAST SHOWS.  

How about the ability to create a podcast?  To technical for some of you out there.  Basically, you can create a show (daily, weekly, monthly, what ever you choose), and have the ability to allow your clients or an audience to subscribe to your shows (rss feed).  They will automatically be updated that a new show has been posted, and they have the ability to not only watch it from their computer, but they can download it to their i-pod, psp3 or other digital devices, and share it with others portably. Cutting edge technology made SIMPLE!

Video IM, there is a Realtor who purchased 2 accounts (mind you, they are only $9.95/mo).  When he had an out of state client, if they owned a webcam, he would allow them to log onto his 2nd account, so they could have face to face meetings.  You can conference up to 5 people on the video chat. Do you think that left a lasting impression on the new client?

Video Blog, a lot of Realtors using this product actually create virtual tours and post them on their blogs.  Anyone subscribed to their blog, will automatically be notified of a new listing and then have the ability to download to their digital devices (ie i-pod, psp3, etc).  Mtg brokers who have used this feature created shows, educating the public on the current market conditions.  Again, anyone subscribed to the shows was notified and had the ability to download the shows to their digital devices.

Literally, I have only scratched the surface of what the capabilities of this program holds.  The BEST thing I haven't told you about, is the price.  $9.95 a month, no contracts, set up fees, hidden cost, downloads.  I promise you have NOT seen a suite of all these products in one easy to use program for this unbelievable price... 

To sign up CLICK HERE.

For more info CLICK HERE.

A FREE Business Technology Seminar will be help on Feb. 23, 2008 at 10:00 AM, in Dania FL

If you would like to attend please e-mail me for free tickets:

Subject line: Free Tickets          Please Include: Your name, number and qty. of tickets

If you can't attend but would like more info, please contact me on the e-mail above and I can set up a video conference with you!

Looking Forward To Seeing YOU, Take Your Business To The Next Level!

Edy Garcia

Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT


Very interesting-RE video is really just learning to walk, and has a small niche for luxury properties, getting a sense of place about a community and perhaps profiling a dynamic broker or agent team.

Video email-the bandwidth is there, but how do you measure its success as a marketing tool? How do you track it? RE videos have the same basic issue-lack of visual quality, aggregation and no effective way to measure thier success.

You can already IM for free, post videos for free, hold video conferences for free online, podcast and syndicate for free--what are you selling?



Jan 25, 2008 10:21 PM
Edy Garcia
Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

First of all, that is where you are wrong.  Previously the niche was exclusive to luxury properties and high profile broker's and their agent, due to the "high cost" marketing allowances the larger companies have.

Second, video e-mail, you would measure your success, like you would any other form of advertisement!  Being in the real estate industry, we both know that you can substantially increase your revenue, by increasing your visibility to the public.  As a matter of fact:

  • 10% of people remember what they read
  • 20% of people remember what they hear
  • 30% of people remember what they see
  • 50% of people remember what they see and hear together
  • It is simple math, allowing the public to see you, hear you, and know you prior to ever meeting you, is not only impressive, but impairative to stay ahead of your competition.

    Last, but definitely not least, I would LOVE to respond to your FREE comment.  Free is not always free.  First you have to download software (taken up space on your hard drive), did I mention we are completely internet based, no downloads?  Then, after you download the "FREE" software, you are ready to im, video email, what ever the case may be.  On the recipient end, they are not only viewing you, but unwanted ads that pop up all around the screen.  Ads that can even be your competition, or even worse, adult sites.  I don't know about you, but having unwanted ads accompany my messages is not the first impression I want my prospects and clients to have of me.  Further more, with our program all the banners are completely controlled by the user "YOU"..   Whether you are showcasing a new listing or promoting a live broadcast, you will NEVER have to worry about unwanted ads!

    So what about the companies who are not free, and offer broadcasting?  Did you know Webex  (for individuals) charge-  $39/mo with an annual contract or $49/mo without a contract (and the buy-as-you-go, you pay by the minute).

    Webinar-monthly plan $99 or annual plan $948

    Both of these products do not include: video email capabilities, video podcast, media storage, online social network and an online TV station.

    So what am I selling, you ask?  An opportunity to use video in your marketing like NEVER seen before.  There is NO ONE out there, that has these products in one easy to use suite or $9.95/MO, NO ONE!!!!

    In addition, anyone who would like to learn about the business opportunity side of this Cutting Edge Technology Company, please visit !!!

    Thank you for taking the time and viewing my post.  I hope you found this information helpful for future consideration of this product!

    Jan 27, 2008 01:03 AM
    Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT



    Consumers-Realtors, sellers and buyers-have already chosen virtual tours as the largest form of RE marketing on the web. There are millions of them worldwide right now racking up millions of views.

    (Virtual tour -360 panoramas and still photos, combined with an individual website for each listing, a stated marketing plan and statistical reporting)

    Since free is not always free (agreed), but in the 2.0 world information is free.

    So, can you answer these questions about what you do:

    How do you track and do statistical reporting on the use of your product:

    How sticky are the video emails? What is their open and read rate?

    What is your email syndication system? Where do the email addresses come from? 

    How do you do statistical reporting on stickiness at your video host? 

    What is your monthly website traffic and average time on your website? 

    What is your outside, off line marketing plan and how is it incorporated into your on line plan?


    Jan 27, 2008 05:51 AM
    Edy Garcia
    Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

    Wow, that was a mouth full.

    Since my mission is not to get into a debate on every technical aspect of our industry, I will make this as direct as I can.  I understand about virtual tours, I do, but let me ask you this, what does it cost to add virtual tours for each listing, is is less than .33 cents a day?

    Second, as for stats, I have the ability to view every-time an email has been opened, and how many times its been opened.  However since I do not SPAM, I would not know what the open rate is of unsolicited e-mails.

    As for success rates, and stats.  When doing a live broadcast, you have  something called: Real-time Broadcast Stats: Below is an example of what you see as you are broadcasting.

    Real-time Broadcast Statistics :.
    Current time:04:07:57 PMSession duration:00:00:12
    Allowed viewers:0Current frame-rate:30.42 fps
    Current viewers:0 Current bit-rate:114 kbit/s
    Total viewers:0 Viewer problems:N/A

    Again, I stand behind my statement that although there are A LOT of tools to help us in the Real Estate Industry, there is NOTHING that comes close to what we have and for how much we have it for!!

    Create your own virtual tours and link them to your site via our studio that converts video to html codes that are easily copied and pasted to your website.  In addition to virtual tours, you can broadcast live or archived AND send video e-mail.  I am just informing the public that you can choose to pay virtual tours, then pay for video broadcasting, then pay for your e-mail service..  What does that total a month??  Less than $9.95, that is the whole purpose of this informative BLOG.

    I would like to give you 3 (of many) links to media exposures, and what they are saying about our products: REALTOR MAGAZINE, INC MAGAZINE and TODAYTONIGHT .

    For additional technical questions you have about our service provider, please click here.  Click on the flag of your choice, then click on become a customer.  Here is where it breaks down the technical apsects of our products.

    In parting I would just like to say that, what you already have in place, in form of advertisement, may be fine for you.  However as technology progresses it is imperative that we append a new way of thinking to keep up with the technological advancements.  Either way, I do understand that this may or may not be for everyone.  Regardless of how you may feel about our products, we will soon be a household name.  My theory is use our products or compete with someone who already does!  I appreciate your comments and wish you the best!


    Jan 27, 2008 08:04 AM
    Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT


    Nothing is for everybody - agreed!

    These are just the same questions any savvy realtor should be asking their vendors about the performance of their marketing products, the same information that should be available at a website withough having to register to become a customer-you have to admit, that really isn't very Web 2.0.

    My questions about your web distribution, syndication, email campaign, web ranking and aggregation are all unanswered.

    Any customer would have to ask why you can't answer basic questions about internet marketing campaigns and the measured performance of your product.


    Jan 27, 2008 09:57 AM
    Edy Garcia
    Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

    I commend your persistence, however if you would have taken 2 minutes to check out your "2.0" questions they are all answered on the site, not by registering, but by going on "become a customer" so it can answer the questions that corresponds to YOUR needs! Once you click on Become A Customer, it gives you the technical breakdown, then after viewing what best fits your needs, you have the option to ENROLL NOW.

    In my efforts to no longer debate this topic with you, I wish you all the luck in your search, you were obviously intrigued with Video Marketing, as that is what my BLOG is entitled. Since I have not answered all your questions to your satisfaction, please feel free to use the resources that I given you to further research our company. 

    I have to say, once you let your defences down, you will be as excited about this product as the rest the world is becoming.  I say this and I say it with conviction that there is NOTHING like this, ANYWHERE in one suite for this price.  I use these products in business and I use them in life, I help Realtors, Doctors, Attorneys and other professionals like yourself, use these tools to enhance their communication and promote their visibility, because in the end that is what it is all about, a lasting impression!

    Best of luck to you.


    Jan 27, 2008 10:36 AM
    Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT



    There is no great mystery here. You appear to be reselling HelloWorld for ten dollars. How is this unlike anything, anywhere when there are free video hosting sites like YouTube?


    Feb 03, 2008 07:20 AM
    Edy Garcia
    Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL
    Edy Garcia
    Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL
    Click on the film strip to view my video response:Video for Quickie: STEVE Video Strip
    Feb 03, 2008 08:24 AM
    Obeoman Glade Jones - Salt Lake City, UT



    This product has some niche uses. I appreciate your thoughful, detailed response.

    Anybody who buys your suite of services, especially a Realtor should ask how the tours

    are distributed and aggregated on the web and how many unique visitors your site gets in a month.


    Our tours can take off up to 30% of the time on marketing for a RE listing.





    Feb 03, 2008 09:56 AM
    Edy Garcia
    Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

    Hi Steve

    I appreciate your final thoughts on our products.  As a fellow marketing enthusiast, I invite you to use our product free of charge for 30 days (no contract, or credit card info needed).  All you need is a webcam and you are ready for business.

    You will find that recording your own virtual tours, are simple and can be done easily through windows movie maker. Using our products you can generate a simple html code to add it to your sites, or drive people to your helloworld account.  You even have the ability to embed your: profile, broadcast shows, podcast, videos, music and pictures to your website, with a simple click on the mouse.

    If you decide that you would like to take me up on my free trail offer, please email me directly:


    Edy Garcia

    Feb 05, 2008 03:00 AM