The times are changing, and so is our technology. In a blink of an eye we went from beepers to cell phones. Brick cell phones to credit card sized cell phones.
As if that wasn't enough, we now have the ability to: takes pics with our phone, take video with our phone, enter addresses and dates into our phones, even the ability to listen to music and record information on most phones.
How about the internet? How many of you remember the dreaded dial up. I use to cringe every-time my phone would ring, because I would loose pertinent data that I was working on, as the computer would boot me out. How did we go from dial up to one click of the mouse and you are on-line.
These are all just a few great examples of how our technology is growing, and at rapid pace. The funny thing is we don't even realize that its happening.
A lot of times, people tend to shy away from "new technology" AT FIRST. How many times have you been approached about new databases that would help you improve your Real Estate business, that you turned down, only to it purchase at a later date so you could keep up with your competition?
Well, I am about to show you something new, and I promise this is something that will leave a lasting impression!
What if you sent a video email, click on the picture to view videos of the following:
Realtors Mtg. Brokers
Can you see how that would help your business?
What about the ability to broadcast live? Have your very own TV show live on the internet. Educate the public on their credit, interest rates, and market stats. When it is time to purchase or sell, who do you think they are going to call? Broadcasting live even has the capability to: record your shows (archive them), enable chat (to allow your audience to type questions), have slides and/or pictures, poll your audience, have a guest speaker (like with the news anchors, when they go live to a scene, then back to the news anchors, you can do the same), create ads (linkable banners all around as seen in the video emails).
To see an example of an archived broadcast, please click on the picture below. Then click on the left under PAST SHOWS.
How about the ability to create a podcast? To technical for some of you out there. Basically, you can create a show (daily, weekly, monthly, what ever you choose), and have the ability to allow your clients or an audience to subscribe to your shows (rss feed). They will automatically be updated that a new show has been posted, and they have the ability to not only watch it from their computer, but they can download it to their i-pod, psp3 or other digital devices, and share it with others portably. Cutting edge technology made SIMPLE!
Video IM, there is a Realtor who purchased 2 accounts (mind you, they are only $9.95/mo). When he had an out of state client, if they owned a webcam, he would allow them to log onto his 2nd account, so they could have face to face meetings. You can conference up to 5 people on the video chat. Do you think that left a lasting impression on the new client?
Video Blog, a lot of Realtors using this product actually create virtual tours and post them on their blogs. Anyone subscribed to their blog, will automatically be notified of a new listing and then have the ability to download to their digital devices (ie i-pod, psp3, etc). Mtg brokers who have used this feature created shows, educating the public on the current market conditions. Again, anyone subscribed to the shows was notified and had the ability to download the shows to their digital devices.
Literally, I have only scratched the surface of what the capabilities of this program holds. The BEST thing I haven't told you about, is the price. $9.95 a month, no contracts, set up fees, hidden cost, downloads. I promise you have NOT seen a suite of all these products in one easy to use program for this unbelievable price...
To sign up CLICK HERE.
For more info CLICK HERE.
A FREE Business Technology Seminar will be help on Feb. 23, 2008 at 10:00 AM, in Dania FL
If you would like to attend please e-mail me for free tickets:
Subject line: Free Tickets Please Include: Your name, number and qty. of tickets
If you can't attend but would like more info, please contact me on the e-mail above and I can set up a video conference with you!
Looking Forward To Seeing YOU, Take Your Business To The Next Level!
Edy Garcia