
Like Your Own Private Label Wine; Here are This Week's Blog Tips

Services for Real Estate Pros with

RealtyPLR's weekly “ghostwriting” blog service is a little bit like a jarred pasta sauce  --one that mom doctors with her special touch before serving. Or a private label wine some like wine a little, some a lotproduced with your name on it.


The articles are the quickest way to get blogging and stay blogging ... the key to attracting the leads that lead to real business.


Here are this week’s tips from our editor:


Advantages and Pitfalls for Mortgage Co-Signings

Editor's Note: “Buy a home” is a heavily coveted search term. We’ve combined it here with the niche topic “mortgage co-signing” to help attract potential first-time home buyers (or their property owning parents!). Take advantage of both search terms here and geo-code both.


Squeezing More Profit from Your Home Sale

Editor’s note: Every seller loves the word “profit”: if you have a hot tip or unique facet to your marketing plan, this blog is a great place to brag about it!


Don't Let Rental Property Manage You

Editor's Note: With rental rates on the rise nationwide, investment properties are a hot topic these days - and with that topic comes property managment. Take advantage of the interest with this article aimed at attracting serious potential investor clients.


In the Wake of Home Foreclosure

Editor's Note: "home foreclosures" combined with your geocoded territory name are common searches -- even for web readers who are only interested in the state of real estate in your area. 




BTW, any ActiveRainer interested in subscribing to RealtyPLR gets a free 30-day trial: Try It Now!
Posted by

Mitch Claymore

Editor-in-Chief LLC

~ You Work.  We Blog. ~

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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hi Mitch - I still "doctor" the jarred pasta sauce myself...although I haven't tried "doctoring" my own private label wine.

Dec 22, 2012 01:08 AM
Mitch Claymore - Wolfeboro, NH

Michael - You might consider it -- could be a way to 'nurse' yourself back to normal after a day of dealing with the Jessicas out there...

Dec 22, 2012 02:15 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Mitch - you might have an idea there!

Dec 22, 2012 06:46 AM