“What do you mean you have to go to work? Don’t you work from home?”
Do you have a home office? How many times have you heard those words?
I love my home office, I mean REALLY love it! I recently went to 100% of my work time being in my home office and I appreciate the comfort, freedom and cost effectiveness of working from home… the challenge is getting friends, clients and family to realize that I am actually working! I love the invitations to go shopping, paddling, a long lunch with the girls, etc… but if I accepted each offer I would be broke in a week!
I am fortunate enough to have a separate room for my office, with a door I can close J but even with fairly set office hours the interruptions are constantly tempting me… just one load of laundry, maybe I should water the plants, wow its gorgeous I should take advantage of the weather, picnic at the park? Love too! etc… My husband totally understands as he shares office space with me and the children kinda “get it”, clients I just don’t let know, but friends and co-workers are always right there with a great opportunity to share a little time. How do you let them down softly?
And productivity… being a “Self Starter” is one thing. Being able to “Stay on Task” is another! How do you convince yourself to finish the job in hand, go to the next item on the list, or start that big project?
I know it’s a work in progress and I am looking forward to solving these growing pains, because all things being said, “There is no place like home”!