
Are You Proactive Enough?

Services for Real Estate Pros



What does it mean to be proactive?


Many people come to us at Certified Platinum Agents without a full understanding of the word proactive. What does it mean to you? Does it mean not procrastinating? Does it mean “getting on the ball?” If you answered “yes”, you’re right but there’s a lot more to it.


Are you the “cause” or “effect”?


If you get caught up in the idea that you’re at the effect of outside forces, which we all do sometimes, then you are not viewing your life or business from a proactive perspective. What do you do when you don’t have enough clients? Do you blame it on the economy, the interest rates, your boss, your environment in some way?


We often don’t want to look inside and claim our own empowerment. Most of our training is to blame someone or something outside ourselves, to be at the “effect”. In my 15+ years of coaching people to maximize their success, I find that a profound turning point comes when my client(s) decide to take charge and become the “cause”. So next time you have a shortage of clients, for example, ask yourself what action you can take? If you’re not sure, find a book, a tape, or a coach that can help you know what to do. Turn your worry into action and you’ll find that you have the power to attract the clients you want.


Do you let outside circumstances control your response?

Let’s say that one of the escrows you’ve been working on falls through or a client you were counting on decides to cancel? How do you react to such circumstance? It’s natural to feel disappointed, but I’ve seen far too many people devastated and depressed when they know they have to start all over again. The problem is that when you are controlled by the outside to the point where you can’t function, your productivity suffers. Then the very thing you’re afraid of, usually not having enough money, becomes a reality.


Here’s a tip: You get what you focus on. Focus on the lack of escrows and what do you get? You’re right, less escrows. Focus on the lack of clients, and what do you get? Right again, not enough clients. What is the solution? Switch that focus and do it fast. As soon as you notice that your focus is on lack, quickly think of how you want it to be. Do you want a full bank account? A lot of clients? Escrows that stick? Whatever it is go there in your consciousness and make the switch. Then ask yourself, “What action steps can I take to make these things happen?” Inspired action will feel good; you’ll feel a pull from the inside. Frantic action will feel scattered and “out of sync.”


Being proactive means you choose your responses. Next time you fumble, ask yourself:


• Am I being proactive or reactive?


• Am I being the “cause” or the “effect”?


• Am I focusing on what I want or what I don’t want?


Take some inspired action and watch all the good that can follow.


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Rob Lang
At Home Kansas - Shawnee, KS
Local Expert in NE Central Kansas Real Estate Home

Looks like Jessica Kennedy in Pittsford, NY is the proactive one for home buyers and home sellers!! Give her a call!

Nov 28, 2012 10:19 PM