Good Day Naples Friends, Tis the season! Naples real estate buying traffic is strong, activity is high and lots of exciting new Naples real estate happenings are occurring...
In fact, I just wrote a magnificent Naples real estate post about how the Naples seller behavior is changing only to realize for the sake of some of my deals on the table, I better not post due to the fact that I would not be writing in the best interest of my current clients. Many times when my posts slow it's because I'm very involved in deals I simply can't write about for the sake of confidentiality.
I fear the content I can't share will not give you what you need to be in the know and have the edge you deserve for being one of my Naples real estate subscribers. So here, I will speak in generalities and if you would like details, I'm a phone call or email away.
1. Sellers are getting very confident with some increased pricing but more importantly very tight negotiations. This is different than years past. The biggest news is that behavior is inconsistent which is going to cause a ripple of drama. Buyers not ready for hard negotiations may want to react accordingly and find themselves suffering in the long run because of it. Call me for details on this.
2. Some sellers need to be strategic about buying and selling here in Naples. Some sellers are taking their properties off the market because they can't find another property to replace what they have when they sell. Until recently it was easy for Naples sellers to put their home or condo on the market, wait for a sale and then have a nice selection of Naples properties to choose from when they get an acceptable offer. I just lost a deal due to the fact the seller couldn't find another place to go and didn't want to move twice. We might get it together in the near future but this was a downer for my buyer. We might be going toward a market where some of our more affluent Naples sellers need to go out and find what they want first, purchase and then put their place on the market. It's hard to believe I'm saying that out loud in this very tumultuous economic state this country is in but it is true depending on where you want to go and the location of your current property. Many areas of Bay Colony is a place where you could do this pretty easily provided you have priced appropriately when you sell. It's very wise to have a Naples real estate expert help you do this.
3. If you like to shop for Naples deals there are some good negotiation opportunities for locations like:
Collier's Reserve, Port Royal, Grey Oaks and Quail West
. All of these locations are showing some oversupply with slightly under or over 1.5 years of inventory. Keep in mind each negotiation may go differently so if it is at all possible (which it should be since your main motivation here is the "deal")you will want to go in and choose 3 properties and know the first one or two may not go your way but I do think some sellers here should show you some flexibility still. That is probably not going to be the case in areas like Park Shore
, Aqualane Shores
and Olde Naples
since inventories are light and traffic is heavy.
4. Intelligent agents are putting deals together and/or keeping deals together that may not have made it otherwise. Because the tables are turning a bit it takes a different and sometimes very aggressive approach to get the deal done. Smart Naples agents know how to find solutions to problems whether it's property condition, beginning negotiation stalemates and other tricky aspects of the contract to close the timeline. I have also seen a few examples where inexperience or lack of business acumen has obliterated a deal to pieces...very sad.
It was said the other day during a John R. Wood board of directors meeting (I currently hold a position there thanks to having the honor of working with some fantastic clients) that some sellers will think they can get their deal done without an agent now that the market is turning. If getting the deal done is your goal, that's fine...but if getting the deal done with the
1. highest and best price
2. timeline you prefer
3. and without additional exposure to expensive legal issues
is the goal, having an excellent Naples Realtor with their vast network of experienced professionals behind them may be a small price to pay in the long run...especially if you're talking about some of the bigger ticket items around town.
Friends, these contracts look very simple and they are for someone who assists people with them every day. I have found the most successful buyers and sellers hire the best Naples real estate professionals to handle their real estate business because:
1. They have more time to do what they really enjoy doing.
2. They recognize the value in someone having the experience they do not in handling some of the local behavioral aspects that arise during the marketing and negotiating of their property.
3. They understand the vast network of professionals that stand behind their Naples Realtor to get the job done in the best most convenient way.
4. They know their Realtor and network will keep them performing within the timeline of their contract.
5. They can get the extra assistance they need when things get emotional...let's talk about that one.
The most legal exposure occurs when times are the most emotional. When is real estate emotional? When there is a clear upper hand and a clear underdog ie. when it is a Buyers market or a Seller's market.
It doesn't naturally occur for the most part in a happy, amicable, stable, even market.
It can be tough for sellers and/or buyers to not want to inch a little closer towards the edge when they feel like they have a solid edge to negotiate and it can be easy to completely and unknowingly go over that edge when performing to a contract. What I mean by that is that sometimes when the intentions are completely honorable you can cross a legal line that can get you in a huge pile of crud. It can cause a horrible legal stink that ultimately the guilty party would've never caused to happen had they known what their legal responsibility was. Because of our experience, we can say....that may not be such a great idea, here's why... This is one of those points I'd love to follow up with an example but I can't. Call me for details on this one.
Ok, that is all I have time for today. Buyers, put your helmets on! Give me a call, let's make a date and let's do this!!!
Sellers, give me a shout! Let's make a plan and let's get rolling!
PS~ Days til Winter = 20!!!
Best Regards,
Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!
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Jan 28, 2013 03:02 PM