At this holiday time, many homeowners feel overwhelmed in different ways. If you've been considering selling your house, or have it on the market currently, it may seem like an even more stressful holiday season than in years before. Shopping, planning, and dealing with crowds take a lot of energy out of us and give us more stress. I recently read an interesting article about simplifying our holiday season and focusing on what is truly important. For instance, we may have to modify our elaborate traditions to something smaller and more simple, but just as meaningful.
If your house is on the market this year, you may not be able to do all the decoration that you normally do, because the house may become cluttered. However, your "end goal" is to sell the home and move on to enjoy holidays at your new house. Keep this goal in mind when decorating this year so you don't go overboard. Another benefit to streamlining your holiday decor this year is that there will be less to take down once the season is over. If you get an offer on your house and need to quickly pack for moving, that is enough work in itself.
Even if your house is not for sale, you may have a list of things you feel you have to do but perhaps you could simplify and do less. Doing less may help your tasks feel more manageable and less of a burden. Some tips for a healthier holiday are sleep more, drink less, eat healthy and don't forget to rest! Hoping that you have a wonderful Holiday Season!