I think my street cred as a social media savvy real estate broker is well established. I have embraced the high tech approach since starting my firm and it has certainly served me well. The firm will end the year close to the top 7% of area brokerages by transaction totals for 2012, and we have grown to a solid 34 licensees. I personally have averaged well over 40 closings annually since 2006.
That said, high tech was never the only arrow in our quiver. I learned the business in 1996, I have always worked expired and FSBO niches, and never let go of the high touch/traditional approach. A few months ago, when my firm was among those approached by the Floyd Wickman organization to offer Floyd's program to our agents, I decided to participate myself to lead by example. I didn't have low expectations, but I didn't expect to learn much new; my impression of Floyd Wickman's material was mostly motivation and basics that I already knew in my sleep.
How wrong I was. Happily wrong, that is.
In the 7 sessions, 18 agents from several Westchester companies got schooled in an incredibly impressive system of business building that humbled me in the amount of material I learned, re-learned or allowed myself to get sloppy in over the years. Personally, I did over $4 million in business over the course period in spite of two weeks lost to Hurricane Sandy, and my team of 7 combined for almost $11 million in property listed, sold, or put into contract. We generated over 100 referrals and completed the course with the tools to continue the pace in perpetuity thanks to the vast amount of well organized materials provided.
And we had a blast. Sheldon Spiegel, our instructor, was an engaging, funny and committed friend over the course, and I look forward to keeping in touch with him.
I have no interest in debating high tech vs old school business practices; while I respect those who have been able to make money exclusively via Internet efforts, I believe that most agents need both new and old methods to succeed. This had nothing to do with cold calling or the old Sweat Hog system that Floyd sold many years ago. Instead, the emphasis was on referrals, building a "salable book of business," and leveraging every past success into more commerce going forward. It was brilliant.
I know, respect and in many ways have been emblematic of the social media wave that has taken the industry over the past 5-7 years. I will remain so. I will also continue to utilize Floyd's systems because they flat out work and can be adapted to 2012 real estate as seamlessly as when I entered the industry in 1996.
I will say this with all humility, and you can count on it so long as I am blessed with continuing good health and the support of my family: Inasmuch as my firm has grown over the past 7 years, because of my participation in Floyd's program this year, our growth will accelerate in both quantity and quality.
Yes, this blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, Active Raining, Google+ing guy loves the Floyd Wickman system, and the proof will be in the production. I am a believer, and am happily Wickmanized.
If they come to your area, do it. Thank me later.