
How SEX Helps Me With Twitter!

Reblogger Mike Mueller
Education & Training with Tech and Social Media Consultant

Clint Miller influenced quite a lot of people.  This is the post that pulled Lisa Oden into Twitter.
Today is the 1 year anniversary of his passing.
We miss you buddy!

Rock on Clint! 

Original content by Clint Miller

Sex has helped me use Twitter.

Yes...I said sex has helped me use Twitter. 

(Do I have your attention yet?)  Ok...good.

For those of you that understand Twitter, use it properly, and have seen it as a benefit in your can pretty much stop reading right now because this is going to simply regurgitate everything you already know (unless you just want a refresher course with a bit of snark).

But, for those of you that have no clue what Twitter can do, have not understood Twitter, are afraid of Twitter, don't know how to effectively use Twitter, or see it as a time-sucking vacuum designed for nothing more than "chit-chatting" with other people that have nothing but time on their hands, you need to keep reading(BTW - I'm not going to attempt to explain what Twitter is...the fact of the matter is that unless you live under a rock, you have seen something about it somewhere.  I will call you out if you say anything to the contrary.  Just sayin...)

I will start by telling you that I starting using Twitter roughly a year ago.  And, in that time, I have developed a following of over 1,200 of the most amazing agents and real estate people on the planet and I add 4 or 5 new contacts on a daily basis.  Many of these people I consider friends...even close friends.  But, this didn't happen overnight.  I worked to get to this point.  If you think this is a ‘magic bullet' to instant fame and fortune, you are seriously mistaken.  But, I've made money using Twitter.  And, I continue to do so.

What I have found that has led me to the greatest success on Twitter is sex. 

Well...not actual "sex".  More like S.E.X.X.X.

What? Did you think that I meant...(No, you wouldn't think that.)



So, now that you know what S.E.X.X.X. is, let's break it down.

Socialization - That's right.  Twitter is a SOCIAL tool.  So, in order to use it effectively, you must socialize.  I've said many times that Twitter is like a cocktail party.  When you are at a cocktail party, you might not know everyone there.  You also might not talk to everyone there.  You might not know what everyone there is talking about.  But, you include yourself in discussions that you enjoy...usually with people you enjoy.  Twitter is exactly the same thing...ehhhhh...without the annoying drunkard spilling his martini on your shoes because his finger is pickled from stirring his drink with it.  (But, that's another blog...)

Socialization will lead to MONITIZATION! (If you stick with it!)  The more your socialize with the people that you meet on Twitter, the more you will find agents that need someone to refer clients to in your area; the more you will find that clients in the area need an agent's help; the more you will find that you can use this social tool to put your name and face out to people in ways that money can't buy.  If you would like examples of this, simply hit me up on Twitter at and I will be happy to send you to people all over this country that are doing this.

Engagement - This is really a good way of putting everything I just said above.  Engage with people.  Don't use Twitter to continually post links to your ActiveRain blog over and over and over.  (Although, I use it for that has increased my readership probably 10 fold.)  But, use it to engage with people.  Speak to them person to person.  Enter into a conversation with someone.  Ask a question and you will be amazed at who will know the answers.  Find interesting people that you have common interests with and talk to them.  Engage.  Don't know how to find people?  There are hundreds of sites you can find them on...or, do like I did...ask!  Without that engagement, you are missing out entirely and Twitter will not help you grow your business in any way.

eXamination - Examine how others are using Twitter.  Find and follow a group of people that you have a specific common interest in and see what they do.  Chances are you are in real estate. So, I would recommend finding other agents and people and follow them.  As with anything, investigate how others are using it to success and then try to duplicate that success with your own efforts.  (If you are reading this on ActiveRain, I would suggest any of the following:

And I can include probably 1,200 more, if you want.)

eXperimentation - Experiment with it.  Find your niche.  Figure out how you can use it comfortably and go with that.  Twitter is nothing more than an extension of yourself through a different portal.  So, be as much of yourself as possible.  The ‘buzz word' that is thrown around all the time about this aspect of Twitter is "transparency".  You want to remain as transparent (or as true to who you are) as possible.  Don't create an alter-ego.  Don't make yourself appear to be someone you are not.  Believe me when I say that Twitter is real life conversations with real life people.  The relationships you will develop here are just as real as any you have anywhere else in your life. 

(Pausing for the argument that usually is inserted here by the non-believers...) 

Despite what you may think...Yes, they are real relationships.  Don't get caught up in the lack of "Face-to-Face" contact with the people and comparing that type of meeting to those that you meet on Twitter.  Yes, in some cases that ability to shake a hand is lacking.  But, the relationships you will develop are real.  Just because you have not met them in person does not mean that what you can build between the two of you isn't real.  So, I hate to coin a phrase here, but "keep it real".  Be true to yourself...and respect the wishes of others and you will be fine.

eXcitement - I decided to include this at the last minute because I have a hard time relating to boring people.  Part of using Twitter properly is to express yourself.  And you should do so willingly and wantingly.  Show some love for the things that you believe excited about it.  Don't just post links to blogs.  Talk to people.  Be interesting.  Be intriguing.  Be engaging.  Be excited.  If you can do that and stick with it, you will amass a following that will astound you. 

Hopefully, you can now see why this acronym has helped me build my following on Twitter...and I truly believe it can help you also.

But, if you still don't believe anything that I have said here, click on this link and download this ebook on how to use Twitter effectively as a real estate agent. (Yes, there really is an ebook for everything.) And, when you get done with it and are on Twitter, give my good friend @Nik_Nik a shout out for her good work. 


If you would like any information on getting additional clients from Real Estate Client Referrals, please contact Clint at 800-977-7058 or on Twitter at


Courtney Cooper
Cooper Jacobs - Seattle, WA

Thanks for reminding us that it has been a year.  So sad and such a great guy!

Dec 11, 2012 01:42 AM
Christine O'Shea
Christine E O'Shea Broker - Naples, FL

Mike, Thanks for the re-blog, I still can't get into Twitter.  I am going to bookmark this and read Clint's other posts.  The year has gone by and you did a very nice tirubte video to Clint on Facebook too.

Dec 11, 2012 09:27 AM