
Know What You DO 102

Real Estate Agent with Elliott Costal Living / Better Homes & Garden Real Estate
Just for those of you that have not caught my first one of this series, it will be a continued series. So please keep an eye out. With that said, lets continue. For this week I'd like to touch base on something I see as very basic. How about our responding time. Last figure I knew of was 72 hours..Here I'll type that again, 72 HOURS. How do you feel about that number? I know I dont like it. I dont do it. You might not as well. But as awhole thats what we are at.With all of the networking capabilities out there today at our fingertips this number should be much lower, no? Imagine calling any emergency or funeral service and having a response time of 72 hours you catch my drift here, its not good and makes us look aweful as an industry. It all comes back to knowing what you do. I read a blog from a guy who's concerns were this, Does anybody take us seriously? Response time is one reason I would imagine they dont.  Even if you are very punctual, work everyday to better yourselves at working smarter than harder to get this ugly number down. I think I will leave it at that for the week, please feel free to leave any comments you might have. Look for Know What YOU Do 103 next week. Have a great day!!
Eric Harvey
Gary, I agree with what you had to say. I think we need to work on alot of things as awhole. Most of us need to be more involved
Jan 16, 2007 03:36 AM
Ryan Hukill - Edmond
405home @ ERA Courtyard - Edmond, OK
Realtor, Team Lead

Gary, I can't tell you how many times I'm amazed at the lack of urgency many agents place on their phonecalls. I've actually called to set up showings on a listing and had a call back 2 days later! Now, the obvious questions is, does this seller know that their agent doesn't seem to care if he sells their house or not? You're right, the problem is, it reflects pourly on all of us. I honestly think part of the reason for this is just simply a lack of dedication. I am personally tied to real estate as if it were one of my required organs. I love this business! Therefore, I approach every aspect of it with enthusiasm. However, I know many agents out there simply see this as a job. I can picture those agents looking at their phone when it rings and hitting "ignore." I'm sure they think, while they're watching tv, "I'll call them back later, I'm too busy right now." And yet, many of these same agents still question why their business is struggling. Ridiculous!

OK, I'm off my soapbox now, ha! Thanks for a great post!

Jan 16, 2007 03:41 AM
You hit it on the nose..Some agents just dont take their business seriously thanks for the post
Jan 16, 2007 03:54 AM
Mike Jaquish
Realty Arts - Cary, NC
919-880-2769 Cary, NC, Real Estate
You're talking about the agents who are always moaning that they can't find leads...
Jan 16, 2007 08:58 AM