Marketing and listing made easy and affordable...and all in one place. "Yeah right! I’ve looked, and nothing like that exists." Au contraire my persistent business person! Allow me to introduce the all inclusive one-stop marketing and listing solution for all things real estate. We have created a brand new resource unlike anything currently available in the real estate industry. Here’s what we are talking about:
- Free, open source listing of not only real property, but notes, contracts, liens and stocks
- Exclusive vendor marketing for as low as $2.30 a month (that’s an actual figure, not an exaggeration)
- Rental listings, career listings, education opportunities...
And the list goes on! Over the next several blogs, I will break down each of these opportunities in detail. But for now, let me tell you a little bit about us.
Making Your Life Easier
One month ago, this brand new company carved out a little 10x10 booth on the corner of the 500 block at NAR and started making some waves. was born out of the realization that the real estate industry had so many resources that consumers and businesses alike were overwhelmed by the sheer number of options. So, to answer the desperate cry for simplicity, created an online resource that brings all that information to ONE place. We are revolutionizing the way we all do business. will be to real estate what Amazon is to retail, and what Facebook is to social networking. Big talk for a start up right? Well stick with me for the next few blogs and I will show you why some of the most successful professionals in the industry wish they had thought of this first.
The Problems
- Listing and searching property is a pain. There are so many websites to use, but many of them are unreliable or incomplete.
- Marketing is SO necessary, but SO expensive. Without some kind of marketing, a business will inevitably fail. But why should you be forced to spend thousands of dollars simply because there are no better options? Isn’t there a way to take control of your business and your money?
The Answer - The answer to these problems is
Jump On Board
We are making life easier for businesses and better for consumers. But to do so, we need you to join us in this grassroots movement. Imagine being the first one bold enough to list on Craigslist. Before you know it, Craigslist has gone viral! Now is your chance to be that person. Go to the website, read the material, ask me the difficult questions either here or at, but at very least subscribe to this blog as we talk about many of the different aspects of and give you the tools to take back control of your business. Like I said, marketing and listing made easy and affordable...and all in one place!