
Northwest Crossing of San Antonio Real Estate Market Report

Real Estate Agent with Option One Real Estate

Northwest Crossing of San Antonio Real Estate Market Report

For the last 4 quarters the real estate market in the Northwest Crossing subdivision of San Antonio has seen an increase in the average sales price from $106,720 in the third quarter of 2011, to $111,705 in the third quarter of 2012. Click Northwest Crossing Homes for Sale in San Antonio to see all the homes currently available in the subdivision.

                 Stack of Money Larger Stack of money
Over the last four quarters the number of homes that have sold in the Northwest Crossing subdivision in San Antonio has been on average 28 homes each quarter with a total of 113 overall from the beginning of the third quarter of 2011 to the end of the third quarter 2012. With approximately 3962 properties in the community that is a 2.86% change in home owners.

Overall, the real estate market in the Northwest Crossing subdivision of San Antonio is quite strong due in part from a very active homeowners association working hand-in-hand with it's management company and ever increasing involvement from the residents throughout the community.

If you are interested in knowing what the real estate market is like around your San Antonio home, please click Affordable San Antonio Homes.