
Being Prepared for Disaster

Home Inspector with National Property Inspections

A large portion of the United States was recently hit with major snow and ice storms. It doesn't take much ice on trees or power lines to shut off electricity for miles around. Here in Nebraska, some rural areas were without power for several days. A little preparation can make storms like these seem much less severe.  

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recommends that Americans take a few minutes to prepare for possible disasters. Each area of the country is susceptible to certain natural disasters, like hurricanes, floods or tornadoes which can delay emergency response and damage personal property.

The department of homeland security suggests keeping the following in an emergency supply kit. A smaller, portable kit should be kept at work or in a car.

· Water, one gallon per person per day for at least three days.

· Three-day supply of non-perishable food

· Battery-powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert. Extra batteries.

· Flashlight with extra batteries

· First aid kit

· Whistle to signal for help

· Dust mask, plastic sheeting and duct tape.

· Moist towlettes, garbage bags and plastic ties

· Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities

· Can opener for food

• Local maps

It's also a good idea to keep prescription information, doctors names and numbers on hand just in case medical attention is needed. For more information on how to stay prepared, check out the Emergency Preparedness website.


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Allison Stewart
St.Cloud Homes - Saint Cloud, FL
St. Cloud Fl Realtor, Osceola County Real Estate 407-616-9904

3 Major Hurricane survivor here! (Chalrie,Frances and Jeanne all three in 6 weeks) Another good tip is to have a generator...ok if you don't when the warnings come full your bath tub up with water for toilet,(on septic) use 5 gallon jugs for drinking. Double layer your freezer with bagged ice and pre-cook as much stuff as you can until the power comes back.

We have both electric and propane-the in-law has propane we could do everything on burners. ALso don;t forget your BBQ outdoors of course. 

Hope you are all safe and sound

Jan 16, 2007 06:10 AM
M. Murphy
National Property Inspections - Omaha, NE
Thanks, Allison. Those are great additional tips.
Jan 19, 2007 03:29 AM
John Occhi
AZ Veteran Notary Services - Marana, AZ
Mobile Notary Public/Certified Loan Signing Agent


Good post and good suggestions.  I have survived several major earthquakes in So Cal and know it can be time before 'services' are restored.  During the big Northridge quake (must be '91 or so) I actually lived 100 miles from the epic center, but my parents were within 5 miles. 

I remember taking a pick-up full of bottled water and food to their rescue.  I got within 10 miles of their home before I was robbed at gunpoint for the contents of my truck - they didn't need my money (I had about $300 on me) they needed the water and food.

So, it is good to rely on yourself and not wait for aid.  Just ask anyone from New Orleans.

Now have a blessed day,

John Occhi, Hemet CA REALTOR

PS - I would add a Bible to your list - just like a soldier in a fox hole under enemy attack, their are very few disaster survivors who don't find comfort in Gods word.

Jan 25, 2007 01:31 AM